Chapter 30: Next Step, Investigating

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You slowly looked towards the clock, watching as it slowly told the time, it's ticking noise steadily driving you towards insanity

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You slowly looked towards the clock, watching as it slowly told the time, it's ticking noise steadily driving you towards insanity. In front of you, stood the seven vampires that you so desperately wanted to put an end towards, all chained up and in serious confinement.

One by one, they were slowly being called towards the interrogation room, with you and Felix not being able to participate in any of the interrogating processes (even though you were highly capable of doing so and probably the only one who had the most experience with it), only being able to watch from the two-way mirror that connected the two rooms together, the interrogation room and your room.

There, you saw Dami, siting face to face with one of them, a measly, plastic table and hand cuffs being the only thing protecting her. Mark stood beside the door, carefully watching and analyzing the monster's every move, making sure that Dami was feeling comfortable and ready to start the interrogation.

"Name." she coldly demanded, not even taking the time to look at him in the eyes, only being focused on signing and filling the papers that stood in front of her.

She decided to go for the common tactic, the bad cop, something that was typical for her.

"Park Sunghoon." the cold turkey sandwich that you had just ate a couple of minutes ago, for lunch, dropped towards the bottom of your stomach. You couldn't understand why these names were so familiar for you, it felt almost frustrating for you to know that at one point, you had seen or heard those names before.

Yet this time, this feeling felt different, knowing that this was the man that had killed your best friend, the man from the photo that you were still tightly grasping in the palm of your hand. You wanted to kill him, you wanted to kill him over and over again, no matter if you were so tired of doing it.

You needed to, you needed to make him suffer for how many times your hands would let you grasp his blood.


"Lived longer than I can remember." he started to look around the room, the purposeful isolation and unfamiliarity that posed the room, with its extreme minimalistic decor, only having a mirror, two chairs and a plastic, foldable table. It's wall looked like if it was closing the little space between the two.

Anyone who felt suffers who from claustrophobia would start to feel extremely anxious at this point, yet it seemed as if he had no problem with the closing walls.

"Well then Sunghoon, let's just go straight towards the point, why did you do it?" he started to laugh, while she looked at him glaring eyes.

"Don't you feel guilty for being what you are?" he scoffed at the sight of such question, he knew exactly what she was doing, trying to break him until nothing was left, yet he just wasn't stupid enough to fall for her psychological games.

"Why should I? Should I really feel bad for your kind? Even after all of the damage that you've caused?" you just couldn't understand his reasoning for killing them, there should be no reason as to why you'd willingly killed someone, especially when you had a choice.

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