Chapter 1: The Invitation

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You went back home, exhaustion devouring your body

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You went back home, exhaustion devouring your body. You went straight to your room, your parents were about to get home any minute now.

Jumping and landing right towards your bed, you took a long, heavy sigh. You seriously did not do a good job with that math test Y/N, you completely failed it, math was seriously not your thing, you were more into science more than anything.

You were in your last year of high school, not knowing what you were going to do with your life, normal adult jobs seemed boring, you always had dreams of what career choices you could be, but adults around you always turned a blind eye.

They kept telling you that your dreams were unrealistic, but then they got mad at you for not having a dream, they kept telling you what to do or what to be in your life, it was like they knew you better than you knew yourself. It felt unfair, everything felt unfair. You had to hold on to the pressure that your parents had placed on you, everything felt crushing, the pressure weighed more than you can handle, so it was bound to break somehow.

And for that, you got diagnosed with anxiety, it wasn't great hearing those words. It felt like you were a burden to your family, as you couldn't find a realistic job they wanted, and they thought you were crazy, as you also suffered with severe hallucinations from time to time, they have definitely dialed down though, you've learned to differentiate what was real and what was fake, although some hallucinations can catch you by surprise.

Suddenly, you heard a doorbell ring. Was it your parents? No...they would never ring that doorbell, no one would even use it, they would rather burst right in.

You sluggishly went towards the door, annoyed at the sudden guest. Did your parents invite someone over without telling you?! No...they're more responsible than that.

You opened the door, expecting a random family member of yours, maybe it could've been the mailman, you were obviously expecting a HUMAN to be there, but no...there wasn't

There was no one there, someone must've felt annoying that day and decided to ring your doorbell for no reason at all, just cause.

You looked down and there, was a letter.

It was quite the fancy looking letter, so it couldn't possibly be one of the many bills your parents had to pay for. Was it a letter for you? Should you open it?

You didn't want to be nosey...but, curiosity took the better of you. You were always a curious person, that would get you in a lot of trouble, but you kept being curious for what the world had to bring you.

You knew that curiosity was going to be what would bury you six feet under. As curiosity always kills the cat, no matter what. No matter how sly the cat can be, it's fate was already written in blood. You were destined to be that way and there was no way to escape.

You looked at the letter in front of you, carefully opening it, guilt slowly crawling all over your body.


You were more intrigued now, more than ever before.

"You're invited to our welcoming festival of truth, a party where all of your questions will be answered."

"You're welcomed with open arms! We eagerly wait for the day we shall meet."

"Don't be last."

"Don't be last...?" you muttered, you didn't like the sound of that...because you knew, that it was slowly getting into you, you needed to know what answers they would give you.

"Who sent me this...? And for what reason?"

You could see your parents coming back from work, you immediately hid the invitation from them. This was something they couldn't know about.


"An invitation...and you're going?!" Dami couldn't fathom of what you were telling her. You had to admit, this was one of the most stupidest things you could possibly do.

"Y/N!! Are you crazy?! Don't you realize this letter has the word sketchy all over it?!" she said, while violently shaking the letter around, she was losing her mind.

Siyeon took the invitation out of her hands and was looking at it, smirking.

"Why not? This looks like fun."

These two, who had very different personalities, were your best friends from childhood, they were basically considered part of your family, with how much you cared about them and how much you saw them, you considered them as family.

"Siyeon!! Are you kidding me?! Whoever sent that letter probably wants curious kids like you two!! So they can sell them for money!!"

"Exactly, they want people like me, little do they know that I'm going to report it to the police, if anything I see is sketchy, of course."

"I guess Y/N is now Sherlock Homes." Siyeon teased, giggling a little at the sight of Dami's red boiling anger.

"Do your parents know what you're doing?"

"Of course not Dami, they can't know this!! Do you think they'd let me go?!"

"Y/N, you never liked to go to parties anyway, you said nothing interesting happened in them. Then what's this?!"

"I'm only gonna see what they want, if everything looks normal, I'll leave."

Dami rubbed her temples, she was probably going to have a headache right then and there. She always tried to take care of you, you thank her for that, but this was an opportunity you could not miss.

"If there's a party, I'm in."

"Siyeon!! Have you lost your mind?! Are you f*cking kidding me right now?!"

"I did a long time ago, that's why I have a D on math."

"You aren't going to join Dami?" you asked, trying your best to appease to her, but to no avail.

"Is that even a question?! Of course not!! If you guys get in two better not bring me into it, or I will shave your eyebrows when you sleep!!"

"Sure, sure Dami."

"Y/N, I'm serious, don't test me!!"

Suddenly, the bell rang. Dami got even worse, all you could do was laugh as she got more frustrated with the two of you.

"Sorry Dami!!" you said, innocently smiling. It was fun to tease her.

The whole time in class, you couldn't pay attention, all that you could think about was that letter, Dami was right, it did sound sketchy, but that was what brought you in.

As school ended, on the way home, you started to doubt your decision, you've never escaped from home, you tried your best to please your parents, as much as you could, as if you dare disobeyed them, they'd threaten you with going to back to the mental hospital, lying to the doctors, saying you were crazy.

You weren't crazy, at least you believed you weren't, you just thought everyone else was ignorant.


It was night time, the cold night embraced you with a, well cold hug. You looked outside your window, looking down, seeing as Siyeon waved at you.

F*ck, what the hell did you get yourself into Y/N?

You kept having a gut feeling, telling you to go back to sleep, not to go back to that stupid party.

F*ck, why did they give you that letter? You should've known better, but knowing you, you'd go anyway, ignoring that feeling.

Siyeon was already there, you couldn't escape out of this one Y/N, you're royally screwed now.

You opened the window, with the wind being quite strong, moving the opposite direction, like if it was telling you to go back, but it was already too late, as you already jumped.

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