Chapter 26: We're All F*cked!!

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You let out a small shriek as you felt a sudden pull by your waist tug you towards a hallway, the cold hands touching and wandering around your body heartlessly, freezing your body on the spot

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You let out a small shriek as you felt a sudden pull by your waist tug you towards a hallway, the cold hands touching and wandering around your body heartlessly, freezing your body on the spot.

Trying to scream as loudly as you could, but only a small, feeble cry could be heard from the palm of the man's hand, shushing you immediately. Once he had touched your warm hands, you immediately knew who it was, although you had just met him.

It was like if your body, your system already detected him just by something so small like that, it felt odd to you, but you weren't about to question it right now, as that really wasn't something to be focusing on right now.

"Just shut up and you'll be fine." he coldly responded to your faint cries of helps, not even looking at you in the eye, did he really not care about the repercussions by doing something as stupid as this?

You looked back towards him with cold, revenge-filled eyes, waiting for the right moment to strike. Knowing that you weren't going to go down like this without a fight, he held onto you tightly, sighing deeply as he was getting prepared for the big show down that was about happen.

"3, 2, 1." you pulled him closer as you threw him a confident punch. Although you weren't really so talented compared to others who already were far past you, you knew enough to get basics down.

You knew what you had to know about self defense and that was all that mattered.

He flinched immediately once the punch was being thrown, so you took to the opportunity to hit another, and another...and another.

You were basically beating the living sh*t out of him due to the anger that skyrocketed through the roof, you weren't able to hold your emotions back.

And for that Mark decided to pull the trigger, shooting up the place to smithereens, with Felix and Dami looking and gazing back towards him in shock, not being able to believe that this was actually happening.

The look in Mark's eyes once he realized that you were in danger, such eyes that made you tear up, with how scared and alarmed they were, it was the only thing he could have done to save you, the only thing that he held in his arms was a gun, a dangerous decision that would've ruined his life then and there.

But he did it for the sake of you, for the sake of saving you, not even caring about his life or how he would be affected anymore.

He saved you once and he wouldn't have mind doing it again.

All of a sudden, everything had slowed down in a rapid manner, from the bullet that shot through the white colored cake, with the crimson red blood hanging off of it.

You had no clue who's blood was hanging off of the cake, as the man forbade you from ever seeing it, and honestly you weren't really curious enough to find out.

People ran and ran through the gates, cowardly guards ran right before the guests could have had a chance to ask or question about the safety of this venue, everyone booked it, some not even having enough time to make it out alive.

You knew that this day, would be a day that all four of you would not mention, nevertheless question Mark for ever daring to risk the lives of the people you all were promising to protect.

Did blood on the cake really mean that Mark had hurt someone? If so, then why? Was it really an accident?

Everyone ran but seven men, those seven including the very suspicious suspects you had taken photography of, meaning that those seven were the ones that you were waiting for so long to get your hands on, the ones that were meant to die an excruciating death, in your hands.

You looked back towards Mark, Dami and Felix, who just stood there in cowardice compared to the vampires arrogant stance, I mean you also were pretty f*cking scared being literally right next to one of the monsters and especially since you were in such a vulnerable position.

"Well what a pleasant visit you have given us, L/N Y/N and Lee Yongbok." one of the vampires called over, making the whole room silent; You swore that the creature that was holding you hostage and by the arm, gulped.

Maybe even he was afraid of that specific vampire, maybe he had a strong position in the community, like a sort of leader position.

"Although we were most definitely not expecting nor asking for extra guests, we appreciate the small gift." Gift? Gift...?! Gift?!!

"Lies!!" you loudly screamed, catching everyone off-guard, curious as to what you were going to do next; Honestly you were kind of asking yourself the same question.

"The only lie that will come out of my mouth is the assuredness of your safety."

"Dude, can you please cut the Old English crap? It's getting old." Mark coldly interrupted, still holding the gun but this time he held it with confidence and with a straight face, instead of shaking it out of nervousness every three seconds.

Dami pinched his arm and once she did, he let out a small shriek, while you let out a small chuckle (while Felix just looked as still as a stone)

"Well then, I'll just say this as straightforward as're all f*cked."

FATE | 박성훈 [EN-]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang