Chapter 50: Sappy Lemonade

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You looked towards Ni-ki feeling absolutely nervous, because if Jake was truly saying the truth about you them trying to get rid of you beforehand and it not working in many past lives

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You looked towards Ni-ki feeling absolutely nervous, because if Jake was truly saying the truth about you them trying to get rid of you beforehand and it not working in many past lives...then there was something wrong here.

Maybe something was forbidding you all from separating from each other, something was pulling you closer...was this blessing? A curse? You just didn't know anymore!

But you surely weren't going to bring the topic up now, as you could tell they were prone to get..a bit sensitive when talked about it. You noticed this thanks to the way they now acted around Jake for exposing part of the truth.

The possibility of them having to exterminate the entire human species just to get rid of you...was starting to get extremely possible.

"But...if you all you guys want to is to get rid of me...why did you give me that invitation? Why did Siyeon have to..." your voice cracked a bit at the thought of Siyeon, as flashbacks started to randomly appear before you.

"It was a mistake, you were never supposed to get that invitation...but it somehow managed to slip right into your doorstep." Heeseung muttered quietly, looking down in absolute shame as the rest of the vampires wondered why the hell he had to expose that NOW, while you were just on the verge of tears?!

"And...then you came." your heart shattered into a million pieces, realizing that there really was no point...Dami was right.

You searched that party for answers, only to be left with questions that are still waiting to be solved...and a lifelong grudge, one that you just don't see the point in holding anymore.

Going to that party was the biggest mistake you could have ever done, as by going you ruined the lives of so many people.

Siyeon, Dami, Felix, Mark and the rest of the vampires' lives were put into endless suffering just because your curiosity got the better of you.

Maybe Hongjoong was right, maybe that curiosity of yours was the one that was going to put you six feet under, burying the guilt of the souls you've hurt.

"Then why did that to Siyeon? Why did you do it if you knew I was going to come back for it?!"

"Listen to me Y/N, we did it for a reason." Ni-ki place himself right in front of you, blocking your view of the rest of the vampires, forcing you to only look at him by tilting your chin upwards.

"We did it to...protect her."

"Protect her from what?!"

"From us." you could hear a random voice say, only to find out that it was Jungwon who right next to you, his expression show a mixture of emotions, one's that you just couldn't really understand.

Neither could he.

Your world felt like if it was flipped upside, as you tried to decipher what that truly meant...but you really only had one question left to ask.

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