Chapter 28: Plans

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He pulled you a sad and disappointed frown as he slowly let go of you, while tens of thousands of soldiers and police troops knocked down the entrance and surrounded the seven vampires, with Felix's dad being right in the middle of it all

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He pulled you a sad and disappointed frown as he slowly let go of you, while tens of thousands of soldiers and police troops knocked down the entrance and surrounded the seven vampires, with Felix's dad being right in the middle of it all.

His father gave you all a proud and reassuring smile, while he tightly hugged his son and you swear you could hear faint whispers of words saying: "I'll take care of it from here."

Although you couldn't believe he was finally acting like an actual father to his own son for once, less could the son believe it himself, as tears slowly started to form from his eyes, he finally decided to step up and fulfill his parenting role for once.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." you could hear one of the male police officers say as he arrested one of the vampires...well at least tried to.

You see...the vampire that office decided to first arrest, was Ni-ki, Ni-ki Nishimura, otherwise known as the vampire who was able teleport to wherever the f*ck he'd like.

And Mr.Nishimura decided to have fun first, then get arrested and suffer the consequences later, disappearing and reappearing in random places, such as the roof, by the corner, on top of the cake, anywhere you could imagine really.

You honestly felt bad for the poor police officer, who tried his utmost best to arrest. The vampire would only stop once another vampire gave him a serious glare, telling him to just let himself go.

"But Heeseung-" he shot him another glare, this time making him fully shut up and letting the officer arrest, with him feelings sort of relieved that he wouldn't have to chase him around anymore.

"Heeseung..." you mumbled under your breath, for he was the vampire that was the prime suspect of being associated with Ni-ki and one of the many glares given to you at the whole party.

Ni-ki, Jungwon, and Heeseung, three of the seven vampires who brutally murdered your bestfriend, as well as the lives of seven other people.

Always remember that, it was always seven.

Following the arrest of Ni-ki, Heesung and three other men (who both had no evidence nor suspicion of being a vampire, as they did not show any sort of correlation or aggressiveness, glaring, insults or forcing you to stay put, towards you.) were off next to be arrested.

The three of them showed no resistance in getting arrested, unlike Ni-ki's playfulness and immaturity to the whole situation.

How odd.

Although, something that you had noticed from the very beginning, was that the man with what you would call an "piercing gaze" showed signs of cockiness or at the very least, unimpressed reactions towards this whole situation.

He would roll his eyes, he would yawn, all sorts of disrespectful things that if your granny ever caught him doing, she'd take him by the ear and give him a good a*s whipping.

But nonetheless, he and the other two let themselves be taken into custody and even escorted out of the building entirely, following by Ni-ki who was already by the police van.

Yet the other three, were not so willing in giving up just yet.

Jungwon immediately started to throw whatever he had available, meaning absolutely everything that stood his way, including full dining tables, expensive chairs and even the majestic cake that was covered in blood.

While another vampire, whom which you could not name, had the audacity to try and escape the venue by himself, only stopping once Jungwon shot him a mean glare.

"Vampires, instead of communicating verbally they communicate using that." you thought inside of your heard, as you stood there inert, not being able to move due to the fear that a random table would be thrown over your head.

How many more mistakes can you keep doing, Y/N?!

While you stood there in absolute shock and silence, being unable to twitch a finger, some sudden hands grabbed you by the waist, making you feel even more sick to your stomach (like if watching that blood from cake drip down into the floor didn't make you feel sick enough)

Those cold, deadly hands, you recognized them from somewhere.

Now, instead of being in the middle of the chaos, you were now standing right next to the chaos itself, such vampire that made your goosebumps slowly appear and your palm sweat quicker than usually, yet you just didn't even know why.

You had seen him and interacted with him the most the night, yet you just didn't know his name.

"Y/N." he coldly called for you, while he then stood right in front of you, making you and all of the police guards feel taken aback by his sudden act. His impatient footsteps grew closer and closer to you, as you're time to survive drew narrower and narrower.

He then suddenly pulled you by the waist once more, drawing your bodies closer and closer, making your blood all more ravishing to him, as it was right in front of his darn face; Your legs started to quiver in fear as you looked back at him with pleading eyes, what was it that you had to do to survive? What did you need to sacrifice to be different from the rest? To be alive?

You tried your best to push him away, but he just wouldn't allow that, just not yet.

"Drop them!! Let them go!!" you couldn't even tell who was screaming those words anymore, all of those nagging voices just faded into background as you met eyes with him, not being sure why the shivering feeling was gone.

His fangs steadily approached it, only making the gunshots sound louder and louder yet you just couldn't care anymore; His presence was already driving you crazy, a drugging, euphoric feeling that just couldn't be turned away.

When you saw his picture back in the office, you didn't expect him to be this much of a flirt, yet here you were.

Having him being so close to you, made you all wonder the same question...

What the f*ck was he planning to do to you?!

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