Chapter 35: Scorching Fire

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Sometime passed by and you both arrived to the police station in absolute silence and once you were immediately greeted by Mark with his boiling hot coffee (that he so weirdly decided to drink in the middle of night, instead of in the early mornin...

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Sometime passed by and you both arrived to the police station in absolute silence and once you were immediately greeted by Mark with his boiling hot coffee (that he so weirdly decided to drink in the middle of night, instead of in the early morning), you frightfully turned back, only to find no one standing behind you. He had already disappeared before your very own eyes.

"Y/N, buddy!! How have you been?! I hadn't seen you by the building for two whole days!! Were you sick?" he pulled you into an extremely tight bear hug, while having a sip of that dreadful coffee that just so happen to drip down towards your face, making you wince a bit.

"Sh*t!! Mark, why the hell do you have to drink coffee that looks like it's about to burn up into flames?!" you yelled, soothing the brand new burn on your face, as he sheepishly smiled at you while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hehe, my bad..."

Once the both of you entered the police station, checked in and received many warm welcomes from the staff and employees, Dami and Felix came up to you and exchanged greetings with Mark, before looking at you like if they had seen a ghost.

"Are you okay?! You didn't respond to my messages for over the past two days!! I even went over to your house but you weren't there!!" Dami worriedly started to check you for any injuries like a worried mother who just saw her kid fall off a slide, while ranting on and on about how you should've answered her calls and should've at least warned her about all of this.

"Where the f*ck were you!?" was the only question she had left and could even ask anymore.

"I was visiting some family over the country and due to some personal reasons, I just didn't have time to warn you." was the only fabricated and robotic-like excuse that came up first in your mind. You were sure that Dami wouldn't buy it, but in that same moment, something saved you from ever having to face such embarrassment.

The fire alarm was set off and just when people were starting to take notice of what was going on, a bunch of paper that were starting to burn up in flames and turn into ashes were being thrown over towards the innocent people's head, standing right in the danger zone without ever realizing it.

For most, they didn't have a clue on who had done this, but for you, it was could've been none other than "ENHYPEN" themselves. You could see them standing over the never-ending stairs, laughing and giggling at what was going on.

Throwing them a small glare from all the way down there, Ni-ki chuckled and waved down towards you, yet you couldn't let yourself reciprocate it back, making him feel a bit frustrated.

"Hey over here!! Catch me if you can!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, while doing a little funny dance before fearfully running away from all of the angry janitors members who had to clean all of that up.

Death didn't matter at that point, that mess did, because they were NOT about to clean that up.

It was quite the sight to see, from Ni-ki trying his best to run and disappear away, to the angry staff members throwing anything they could get their hands on, to the rest of the members reactions as they stood there and watched the chaos he had brought himself towards.

What an spectacular show!!


After everything settled down a bit and the cleaning had been throughly discussed and done, you were back at your office handling the impossible amounts of documents you had to read and sign.

A sigh escaped your lips, knowing that you had to catch up on two whole days of missing work for oversleeping. It felt almost impossible to finish all of this in one day, but you had to make the impossible, possible. There was no other option for you.

You quickly read through the documents, signing them one by one, until your hand started to ache. Not being sure of how much time passed, you slowly grabbed your phone only to find out it was already past midnight.

"WHAT?! I HAVEN'T EVEN EATEN LUNCH AND I'M NOT EVEN HALF WAY DONE!!" you let out a loud sigh, putting both of your hands onto your face, feeling absolutely stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of work you had done.

"How the f*ck am I even going to...?" tightly shutting your eyes closed, you let out a loud groan, feeling some strong gushes of wind surround you, yet you didn't even bother to open your eyes.

???'s POV

Looking towards you, watching as your face slowly started to get covered by your hair, it was only possible for my heart to sink beneath the bottom of my stomach.

I never wanted to face you ever again, but it was only inevitable for us and that was what bothered me the most.

You ruined everything, you were the one thing breaking us apart, you were always the intruder who stole and broke our hearts into a million pieces, taking our trust and destroying it.


I wasn't going to stand there and watch this happen, I needed to do something about this issue that is called you. If none of us were going to stand up against this cruel fate someone cursed us with, then you'd witch us again.

Sometimes I wonder if you had something to do with this blessing yet curse, but you're nothing but a measly human who somehow has us wrapped around your finger.

The scorching sun was slowly starting to rise again, making some light shine through the small crevices of the curtains. That deadly beam was touching your skin, that gleaming glow that felt so impossible to ever reach, making you steadily come towards your sense.

I covered you away from the sun, only by using one hand, gazing upon the burning and aching ashes that were once part of me. The pain was nothing but familiar to me, a pain that was excruciating yet I just didn't care.

The flames were just trapping me, abandoning and cursing us with never achieving whatever dreams we could've come up with.

A world where we will live freely, a world where this scorching sun will become the compass that shall lead us to our path, make us cross that line we never thought we could ever cross.

A hazy dream, filled with agonizing thoughts that are beautiful and grotesque: This the fantasy that we shouldn't be living in, visiting it, or chasing after.

The fantasy we're obsessing with.


"Sunoo? What are you doing standing next to Y/N? Why are you putting your hand next to the literal sun?!" Ni-ki squeaked, trying his best not to wake you up, while I was finally realizing the huge mistake I was committing to myself.

I quickly stepped away from you and that deadly light, looking at him with resentful and guilty eyes, which made him even more suspicious in me.

"I think you should go, Y/N is starting to wake up and the humans are starting to arrive."

I knew very well that he was just saying that to get me away from you, but the only thing I could was to comply.

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