Chapter 44: Don't you dare touch them

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(Dreams pov)

George pulls me out of the lounge room and into the kitchen.

"What the fuck are they doing here?!" George says

"George I didn't invite them, they just showed up" I say

"Well get them out of here!" George yells

"I am getting there it's just, it's Tommy's first time seeing his real mom and his siblings in so long" I say

"Clay your not understanding what's going on right now" George says

"George I do know" I say "Your worried that they are going to hurt them"

"Clay...I am scared that they are going to take my baby's away from me, from us, they are horrible people that shouldn't be alive and yet how do you deal with them, how did you deal with them" George whispers. I walk up to George and hug him.

"Everything will be okay I promise I won't let them lay one finger on the baby's" I whisper


I let go of George and move away from him. I look over to see my mother standing there, she was listening to what me and George were saying.

"I have grand kids"

George looks at me and I look at him. I look back at my mother.

"You shouldn't be ears dropping 'mother' You used to hate when I did it to you so don't do it to me and my boyfriend" I say

"Boyfriend?! You should be with a nice girl! Who you can look after and pay for!" 

"I don't like girls how many times do I have to say that to you!" I yell

"Then how do I have grand kids huh?!"

"I am a male who can get pregnant and I don't want your ugly ass hands on my kids" George says with a lot of sass.

"Excuse me?!" 

"You heard me bitch" George says "I don't want your ugly ass mother fucking dinosaur face in front of my kids"

"You better watch your mouth young man"

"Nah your the one with dinosaur breath like god do you ever brush" George says. I couldn't help but laugh.

My mother looks at the stairs and runs up them. I see this and quickly run after her. I see the baby room door has been opens and I walk inside.

"Don't you dare touch them!" I hiss

"Or you'll do what? Hit me?" 

"I'll make sure that you will never see your kids or your grand kids ever again, I'll make sure that you won't see the light of day only the burning pits of hell!" I yell. My mother stares at me.

I stare at her. My mother walks over to the door and I stare at her as she does. I grab her shirt.

"I won't you to leave, and NEVER COME BACK" I yell. I let go of her shirt and she runs downstairs.

I hear many feet leave the house and a door shut and lock. I hear a car drive away and 2 people walking up the stairs. I look at the door to see George and Tommy staring at me.

"What ever you just did, that was amazing they left so fast I almost forgot they were here in the first place" Tommy says. I look at George and he looks at me.

"Thank the lords" George says 

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