Chapter 192: We are keeping them

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(Dreams pov)

I had finished making the cupcakes well me and Coral had finished the cupcakes and the girls have been eating them quickly.

"Slow down on the cupcakes you don't wanna be sick" I say 

"Sorry daddy" Willow says 

"It's fine but I think you should stop having cupcakes for today" I say

"Okay dad but can we have some tomorrow?" Coral says 

"I will think about it" I say

"Fine" Coral says. I put the cupcakes in a container.

George walks downstairs and looks at me.

"Girls do you wanna go play video games?" I ask. They all jumped at the thought and they run to the lounge room.

They girls start to play video games. I look at George who walks over to me and smiles. 

"We are keeping them" George whispers with a big smile.

I smile and hug George. I pick him up shake him lightly. I was giggling and saying 'We are having a baby'.

"Clay! Put me down!" George says while giggling. I put George down on the ground.

"Want a cupcake?" I ask

"Um yeah! Is that even a question?" George asks. I smile and give George the cupcake I left out for myself.

George eats it very quickly. I smile.

"These are really good!" George says 

"Me and Coral made them" I say 

"I think she might have your cooking skills" George says

"That's what I said but she didn't believe me" I say 

"I mean it's Coral, what else do you expected" George says 

"Do you ever think we are being to hard on Coral?" I ask

"What do you mean?" George asks

"Well we always say 'It's Coral what else do you expect?' and we always get up Coral, I understand she's different but she is still our daughter and I don't know we should be more open with her" I say 

"Yeah I can understand that and I have noticed that you and Coral have been hanging out more and she seems really happy around you" George says 

"Yeah" I say with a smile "I am happy that she is spending more time with me it does make me really happy"

"Well I am happy if your happy" George says 

"Hey I said that not long ago you stole my line!" I say. George giggles.

"Sorry not sorry" George says. I look over at the lounge room door to see Coral standing there with a smile on her face and some tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Aw sweetie come here" I say. Coral walks over to me and I pick her up.

Coral hugs me and I hug her back.

"Did you mean all those things?" Coral asks

"Of course I do sweetie" I say "I love you and I love spending time with you"

"I love you dad" Coral says as she holds onto me tighter.

"I love you too sweetie" I say 

"I love you too mum, thank you for keeping my brother or sister" Coral says 

"I love you as well and you are very welcome, I knew you would be happy" George says. Coral leans over to George and hugs me as well as George.

We both hug Coral back. 

Over 20 again?! God I thank you guys so much :) This makes my day and I happy to be writing this for you guys I love y'all so much :) and he as promised another blurry picture but less burry now :)

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