Chapter 194: Name of new baby

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(Coral's pov)

"Okay team, mum and dad have left the name for our baby sister up to us now we must make sure it is a good name" I say

"So then what are the idea's?" Willow asks

"That's why we are up here dear sister, we are gonna get some names without mum and dad knowing" I say

"Okay" Willow says

"Now what names come to your mind when we think about our baby sister" I say

"Luna" Willow says

"Hmm not bad" I say "But I am just not feeling it"

"I don't know I kinda like the name Luna" Willow says

"What do you think Tessa?" I ask. Tessa looks up at me and Coral.

"Nw" Tessa says. Tessa goes back to playing tea party with Mr Bear.

"Okay well we will add it to the board" I say

"What board?" Willow asks

"This Whiteboard that dad brought for me while we were away" I say

"Okay" Willow says. I pick up the white board maker and write the name 'Luna' on the board

"Okay do we have any other names?" I ask

"Hmmm" Willow hums

"Oh I have one" I say

"What is it?" Willow asks

"Cora" I say

"That is your name but with no 'l' like really" Willow says

"Okay well it's a real name and I am putting it on the board" I say. I write the name on the board.

"Okay any others?" I ask

"How about the name Phoenix" Willow says "It's odd like our names she will fit right in"

"I don't know it seems to like different and I don't really like it" I say

"Write it on the board" Willow says. I write the name on the board.

"Okay so, Luna?" I ask

"I like that name" Willow says

"I don't really and it seems that Tessa doesn't as well" I say. I cross the name out.

"Cora?" I say

"Oh hell no that is your name with no l so that is a no go sorry" Willow says. I cross out the name.

"Okay now Phoenix?" I ask

"Yes" Willow says

"No" I say. I cross the name out.

"Now what" I say "We don't like any of the names"

"Harmony" Tessa says

"What did you say?" I ask. Me and Willow look at Tessa who blinks.

"Can you say that again Tess?" Willow asks. Tessa blinks.

"Please Tess we know you said it can you please just say it again" Willow says

"Harmony" Tessa says. Me and Willow look at each other.

"That's the perfect name" I say

"I agree" Willow says. We look back at Tessa.

"Good job Tess" I say "You did well my dear younger-ish sister"

"Just so you know Coral" Willow starts. I look at Willow.

"Tessa will always be our younger sister" Willow says "And no matter what she is the first youngest to us" Willow says

"Yeah, I know" I say

"And so know that our younger sister is only gonna be a year younger then us" Willow says "That does mean when we go to school she will be a year behind us"

"I know I know but hey that means we can take her money and get her food" I say

"CORAL" Willow yells "You can't do that!"

I start laughing.

"I am joking I am joking calm down we will protect her if we need to" I say

"That's better" Willow says. Tessa stands up and walks over to me.

"What's up Tess?" I ask

"I lwvw ywu!" Tessa says. I softly smile.

"I love you to Tess, stay sweet and never change" I say

"Okwy!" Tessa says. I look at Willow who walks over to us.

"I am taller then both of you" Willow says

"Hey! Some day I will be taller then you, you just wait!" I say

"Pfft please your never gonna be taller then me" Willow says

"I wm gwnna bw tallwr than all wf ywu!" Tessa says

"Aw Tess, your always gonna be the shortest" I say

"Juwt ywu wawt! I am gwnna bw tallwr juwt ywu wawt!" Tessa says

Leave guesses who's gonna be taller :)

Leave guesses who's gonna be taller :)

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