Chapter 195: The name confirmed

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(Dreams pov)

"So I was thinking that maybe we should go shopping and let the girls pick what they want for their rooms" I say 

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like the best idea" George says 

"Come on it will be fine, what is the worst that could happen?" I say

"A lot of things" George says "That you don't seem to see but I do and your meant to be the smart one not me"

"Hey! I don't have to be the smart one, we both need to be the same-ish smart" I say 

"Say's the one who cooks" George says 

"I only cook because you can't cook for the life of you, where would you be with out me" I say

"I would probably be with Wilbur to be fair" George says 

"I don't know if I would feel upset or not" I say "Because I would still have liked you and still have wanted to date you...wait does that mean that you only liked me when you found out you were pregnant with my kids?"

"I never said that" George says "Clay I liked you before I got pregnant but I knew Wilbur liked me and if he asked me out I would have said yes to him"

"That still makes me a bit upset to be fair" I say 

"I can understand why" George says. I hear fast footsteps run into the lounge room which makes me turn my head and look at the door.

Coral runs in and jumps on the lounge, Willow following her.

"Hello little Harmony" Coral says. I look up at George who looks at me an smiles.

"That's a lovely name sweetie, we are gonna use it" George says. Coral smiles brightly.

"YAY" Coral says "Through I didn't come up with the name"

"Who did?" I ask

"Tess did" Coral says

"Well I am happy that you all agreed on one name" I say

"Thanks daddy" Willow says 

"Now you girls go play me and your mother are having a conversation" I say

"Okay daddy!" Willow says. Willow runs off.

Coral looks at me with a face of worry.

"Go on" I say. Coral gets off the lounge and walks upstairs.

"Look Clay I ca understand that your upset but you need to look past that because that never happened did it? You need to look at the now and not what could have happened" George says

"I know but, I don't want Wilbur around me anymore" I say 

"I can understand that but he is still my friend so I do want to see him and hang with him" George says 

"He was the one who hurt Tessa remember?" I say

"What is in the past stays in the past we must look forward" George says. I shake my head and stand up.

"I am not gonna be friends with someone who hurt my children" I say "You can do what you want but I don't want him near this house or near the kids at all"

"Okay" George says 

"And don't blame me if something happens with you" I say

"What do you mean?" George says. I leave the lounge room and walk upstairs to our own personal library that I buy books for daily.

I pick up a book and start reading it.  


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