Chapter 10: Pregnant

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(Georges pov)

"Please take a seat Mr Davidson"

I sit down on the bed.

"So tell me what's been happening"

"I keep getting really bad headaches, stomach pains, I vomit every morning and it's non-stop, my stomach pains have stopped a little which is good" I say. The doctor hums.

"Anything else?"

"My stomach has gotten a little bit bigger and I haven't eaten a lot this whole time and I wasn't this big the day before" I say

"Okay lay on your back please"

I lay on my back and the doctor puts his hand on my stomach. The doctor feels around my stomach slightly pushing down on my stomach every now and then. The doctor move's away. The doctor writes something down.

The doctor pulls up my shirt up just to reveal my stomach. The doctor puts his hear thing on my stomach and move's it around. The doctor pulls away.

"Well it's not food in your stomach"

"Then what is it?" I ask

"I am gonna need a pee sample"

"Oh okay" I say. The doctor hands me a pee bottle thing.

I walk to the bathroom and use the restroom. Once I finished, I wash my hand and walk back into the doctors room. I hand him the bottle and he takes it.

"You may now go and wait in the waiting spot, I will call you back in once I have something to tell you" 

"Okay thank you" I say. I walk out of the room and go back to the waiting room. 

I sit down in chair and let out a sigh. The lady at the desk looks at me.


"Doctor told me to wait here until he finds out what's wrong with me" I say

"You can go out and get some food if you like"

"No no I am okay, I am not hungry I just really want to know what's wrong with me" I say


The lady goes back to looking at her computer. I go on my phone and go to twitter.

I should tell you guy's that I am at the doctor's and I have been really sick so I should tell you guy's everything so you guy's can keep up with me

Wilbur Soot
Have they told you what's wrong?

No not yet they are still looking in to it I am kind of scared to what is going on with me

I hope they tell you soon mate I am very worried for you

Phil what did I say? I will talk to you when I am ready to talk to you, you called me fat remember?

Right sorry

You know what forget it I forgive you just don't do it again

Thank you mate and I promise I won't do it again 

"George Davidson"

I look up from my phone to see the doctor again. I get off twitter and walk into the doctor's room. I sit down on the bed and the doctor shuts the door and sits in his chair.

"So George when you were younger did you ever get told that your a male who can get"

"Pregnant yes I was told" I say "And I remember why, it's because I was the doctor's experiment to see if it works and we need more people in the world so yeah but why are you asking me this?"

The doctor looks away. My eyes widen.

"No" I say

"Yes, George Davidson you are pregnant" 

"Oh my god" I mumble

"With 3" 

"With 3?!" I say. I let out a sigh.

I nod softly and walk out of the room.

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