Chapter 11: Telling everyone

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(Georges pov)

I get into the car and Wilbur looks at me.

"So how did it go?" Wilbur asks

"I am pregnant " I say

"WHAT" Wilbur yells

"Please don't be to loud" I say

"I am just really shocked" Wilbur says "Who's the father?"

"I- I don't know" I say 

"I'll drive you home and the you should try and figure out who the father is" Wilbur says

"How am I going to tell everyone this" I say 

"George you don't need to tell everyone that you are pregnant that's all up to you" Wilbur says. Wilbur starts driving.

"I need to tell everyone" I say

"Then you can tell everyone" Wilbur says

"Yeah" I say "I just want to know who the father is"

"Could it be Dream?" Wilbur asks "You were with him last"

"Oh my god it has to be Dream then" I say

"How do you know?" Wilbur asks

"The last night I was at Dream's place we both got drunk and blacked out" I say

"That means you guy's must have had sex" Wilbur says 

"What am I gonna do?" I say

"Try not to think about it to much" Wilbur says. Wilbur pulls up to my place.

I get out of the car and shut the door. I walk up to the door and unlock it. I walk inside and shut/lock the door behind me. I walk upstairs and sit on the lounge. I move my phone around then take a deep breath.

I go onto twitter.

Hello everyone I know what is wrong with me. I must warn you that I am not lying and I hope you don't make fun of me but I am pregnant with 3 yay




Yeah I know that was my reaction 

Who's the father

90% sure that Dream is the father

Karl Jacobs
Dream?! Dude he want away

I know I am already upset about that, I just hope he will be back before I give birth

When are you giving birth?

I pretty sure that men have a shorter pregnancy then women do, I think that I give birth at 6 months


I don't even know the gander they are yet

Well I hope they are girls

I hope they are too, boy's are so hard to take care of

Now I bet they are going to be boys


I don't care if they are male or female I am happy for you George and I hope you are happy as well

I wish I could be happier 


Your not happy?

I wish Dream was here to hear this, I would be happier then, It's just the fact that Dream might no be here when I give birth, he many not be here to help me

Aww George it's okay I am sure Dream will be back home before 6 months if not I will hunt him down for you and get him to you


Thanks Niki I hope your right

I put my phone down and lay on the lounge. I am not aloud to lay on my back or stomach which is gonna suck. I lay on my side and pull a blanket over me.

I turn on the T and watch it.

Guy's I have a bad headache right now which never happens to me so I am gonna take a break from writing rn so I'll post later on.

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