Chapter 140: Wait

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(Dreams pov)

I was watching the girls who are messing with each other while I was sitting in the chair in the play room.

I was watching the girls very closely and making sure that they aren't going to get hurt. George walks into the room with some tossed cheese sandwiches. The girls freeze and they stand up. They grab a sandwich each and start eating. I lean over to grab a tossed cheese sandwich but George moves the plate away.

"Wha" I say

"Your getting your lunch later" George says 

"Whyyyyyy I am hungry" I say

"Don't be sad" George says "I will go and cook your early birthday lunch"

"Wait" I say. George freezes.

"My early birthday lunch? What do you mean my birthday is like months away" I say

"Okay okay we talked about this a while ago that this day was going to be a early birthday because of the present I was going to get you" George says 

"What?" I say

"You really don't remember" George says

"No" I say "Sorry"

"No no Clay dont be sorry it just means you get a surprise present at the end" George says

"I guess that's true butttt what if I do remember later on?" I ask

"Then you know you know" George says

"Here's my question through" I say "Is there a reason I may have forgotten it?"

"Well uhh" George says

"I didn't agree with what you were getting me did I?" I ask

"Yeah you didn't" George says

"Thats probably why I dont remember" I say "If I dont want to remember something or don't want to know or have something I will make myself forget it"

"Oh then yeah that makes sense" George says

"Yeah" I say "That upsets you doesn't it?"

"No no well maybe" George says

"Sorry" I say

"Eh I can understand" George says "I'll go make you that early birthday lunch"

"Yeah" I say "Make sure that you dont burn it honey"

"I won't burn it" George says

"Maybe I should cook then" I say

"No no no no I am cooking" George says. I giggle lightly.

I look at the girls who are messing with each other again. Tessa crawls over to me and crawls into my lap.

"Whats wrong sweetie?" I ask

"Hwngwy" Tessa says

"Your still hungry? Wow you must be getting big, your gonna be a tall just like me" I say

"Jwwt lwkw ywu?" Tessa asks

"Just like me" I say

"Ywy!" Tessa says. I giggle and smile.

I look over at Grorge to see he was gone. I look around.

"George?" I yell out

"I am cooking!!" George yells out

"Oh okay just making sure" I yell out. Tessa touches my nose and giggles.

I touch Tessa's nose and she giggles.

"Nose touch" I say

"Boop!" Tessa says

"Yes, boop" I say. Tessa gets off my lap and crawls over to the other girls.

I lean back in the chair and watch over them. I sigh and pull out my iPad which was on the floor under my chair.

"Daddy" Willow says. I look at Willow and smile.

"Yes blob?" I say

"Coral took my toy" Willow says "Can you gwt it back for mw?"

"Coral give your sisters toy back please, you have many of your own already" I say

"Finw" Coral says. Coral hands Willow her toy and Willow takes it.

"Thanks daddy, thanks Coral" Willow says. Williw sits down next to Tessa who is playing with Mr Bear.

Coral joins them as well which makes me smile. I sit back and start drawing through my iPad.

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