Chapter 46: More Teething

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of very loud crying.

I roll over and look at George who is asleep next to me. George moved into my room 4 months ago and I fixed up his old room to make sure that it wasn't George's room anymore. George can not hear the girls crying because his hearing is not like mine.

I get out of bed and leave the room shutting the door behind me. I walk into the baby's room. I shut the door behind me and walk over to Willow's cot. I pick Willow up and she looks at me. I stick my tongue out which makes Willow laugh.

Willow calms down and I sit in the green chair. I pick out a book and read Willow a story which calms her right down. I hear more crying which makes me look up and stand up. I walk over to the cot to see Coral crying, that means she must be teething now.

I pick Coral up and calm her down the best I can. I put Willow down and Coral back in their cots then I sit in the green chair. I read another story which puts the girls asleep. I stand up and walk to the door when I hear a sad noise.

I look over and let out a sigh. I walk over to the green chair and sit down.

"Okay, I'll stay here which you guy's" I say. I sit in the chair.

I sit there for the whole night.



I wake up from in the green chair to George standing over me.

"Why didn't you wake me up last night to help you" George says

"You need more sleep then I do" I say "The mother should get a goods night rest so you can play with them in the morning"

"Clay, you need a goods night sleep as well, your the father so you need to be there for the kids as well" George says

"George please, I am fine it was just one night" I say

"One night, Clay your did this last night as well" George says 

"Let's just not talk about this" I say

"Okay fine, Who was crying?" George says

"Willow then Coral, I think that Coral is now teething as well" I say

"That means that Tessa will be teething as well soon" George says

"Pretty soon" I say

"Go" George says

"What?" I say

"Go to bed and go to sleep" George says "I can take care of them"

"George I promise myself I would never let you take care of the kids by yourself ever again" I say

"Clay I am fine really-"

"No, I am not letting you take care of the kids by yourself" I say. I stand up and almost fall over.

George helps me stand.

"Clay go to bed please" George says

"No no I am fine really" I say

"Clay if you don't go to bed now, I am making you sleep on the lounge tonight" George says 

"Ugh" I say "Fine I'll go to bed"

I walk to the room and lay in the bed, I pull the blankets over me and fall asleep.

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