Chapter 22: Labor

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(Georges pov)

I am now on 6 months and Dream hasn't left my side since he has been here.

I was sitting on the lounge watching TV while Dream was in a call with Sapnap but then it happened. I wasn't ready at all but it happened. My water broke. 

"DREAM GET OFF THE CALL AND GET HERE RIGHT NOW" I yell. I hear him leave the call and he runs to me.

"George what's wrong?!" Dream says 

"Clay my water broke we need to go to the hospital now!" I say 

"Okay okay lets go!" Dream says 


I was laying on the bed with doctors all around me.

I was in a lot of pain and I mean a lot of pain. Dream was standing next to me holding my hand trying to help me calm down and take deep breaths. All the doctors were telling me to push and push which I have been trying to do for so long.

"Come on George!"

I push again and close my eyes. I open my eyes to hear crying. I look down to see a doctor holding a medium size baby.

"Willow" I say. The doctor walks out of the room, going to wash the baby.

I push again and close my eyes. I hear crying and open my eyes to see a big baby. I smile.

"Coral" I say. The doctor walks out of the room with the baby.

I close my eyes and push again but I couldn't get the last one out. I open my eyes and look at the doctors. They look at each other and run out of the room. I look at Dream who looks down at me.

"Is very thing okay?!" I say "What's happing to my baby!"

"I don't know, I am sure everything is fine" Dream says. The doctors run in and look at me.

"We are going to have to do a C-section"

"Why is something wrong with my baby?!" I say

"Please calm down everything will be okay"

"Can Clay come in with me?" I ask

"No, I am sorry, he will have to wait outside"

"Will it be painful?" I ask

"You will be knocked out, you won't feel a thing"

"Okay" I say. Dream moves away and the doctors move closer to me.

I feel a needle go through my arm and next thing I know, I was knocked out into a deep sleep.

(Dreams pov)

George was knocked out and I watch as doctors move him away.

I follow them up to the surgery room and I wait outside watching from the window. I watch as the carefully cut George open. I start to move around because I was standing for t long and needed to move.

I hear crying from the room and I watch as they pull out a baby, a very small one, one that would have to wear doll clothes or very very small clothes. I watch as the doctors cut something away from her neck.

"Tessa" I say "Welcome to the world little one"

I feel a smile crawl over my face and I giggle a little.

I am a father now.

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