Chapter 165: We love you more

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(Dreams pov)

I was still streaming and playing Minecraft which I knew George wouldn't like but I didn't really care at the moment, I am quite happy playing Minecraft and spending time with chat.

I hear footsteps walk up to the door. I look over at the door, the door opens and George looks in and looks at me then the computer.

"I thought we were gonna talk about if we want you to stream with the broken arm" George says 

"And I said no promises plus the doctor says I would play Minecraft" I say. George lets out a sigh then leans on the door frame.

I sink down in my chair and start to feel bad knowing I have to be a better husband and this is not how it's meant to go I am being horrible again. George looks at me and gives me a frown well at least that's what I think he did but I don't know because I am lost in my thoughts.

I hear footsteps walk over to me. A hand slides onto my shoulder which snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up at George who is looking down at me.

"You know what that doesn't matter, the girls want to talk with you" George says 

"About what?" I ask

"About what happened earlier" George says

"No, I don't wish to talk about it" I say 

"Well your gonna have to because the girls want to say something" George says

"Okay fine" I say. I stand up and carefully hold my arm.

George looks at my arm and he lets out a sigh.

"I really want to know how you broke it" George says 

"I do as well but I guess we will never know" I say 

"Okay, I will keep your chat happy while your gone" George says 

"Thanks honey" I say. I kiss George on the cheek then leave the room.

I walk downstairs to see Tessa walk into the lounge room when she sees me. I walk into the lounge room to see the girls sitting on the ground looking sad.

"What's wrong girls?" I ask

"Ww madw you upswt" Willow says 

"No girls you didn't I am fine" I say

"Yws ww did" Willow says

"Unclw Tommy rwmindwd us of you" Coral says "Ww misswd you so much that ww thought unclw Tommy was you"

"Aw girls" I say. I sit on the ground and hold my arms out.

Willow runs into my arms and gives me a hug and was followed by Coral. Tessa slowly walks over to me and hugs me as well. I hug them tightly and kiss them on the top of their little heads.

"Well I am here now girls" I say "And I am not leaving again any time soon now"

The girls hold onto me tighter.

"Ww lovw you morw thwn unclw Tommy daddy" Willow says 

"I know you do" I say 

"Plwwsw dwn't lwwvw wgwwn pwpw" Tessa says 

"I can't promise you that but I can promise that I will always be back" I say

"Promisw?" Willow says 

"I promise" I say.   

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