Chapter 38: Wilbur!!

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(Dreams pov)

I was sitting on the lounge in the lounge room holding Tessa.

I was looking at her hand size bruise, I was upset about it and angry at the person who did this. I asked the boy's to come back saying me and George had another date to go on and how the kids loved them so much that they need to come back and look after the kids again and they said yes well Tommy said yes the most, he loves the kids a lot.

I hear a knock on the door and George opens it. I look at the door to see Tommy who looks very happy to be here. 

"Tommy come to the lounge room" I yell out. Tommy walks into the lounge room and looks at Tessa who I am holding.

"Tessa" Tommy says

"Yes" I say "Can you come here and put your hand on her bruise on her side so I can see if you did this to her or not" 

Tommy walks over to me and sits down next to me. Tommy carefully puts his hand on Tessa's side, his hand is to small and less wide. Tommy moves his hand away and looks at me like he knows something I don't.

"Tommy, you know who did this don't you?" I ask

"Yeah" Tommy says

"Tommy can you please tell me, you know it's wrong to hide something that went wrong away from the parents of the baby now please tell me who did this to my sweet child" I say. Tommy lets out a deep breath.

"Don't tell anyone I told you okay?" Tommy says 

"I promise" I say

"Wilbur did it, he said that he wasn't going to say anything or tell you guys and he said I am not aloud to tell you guy's as well" Tommy says "I am sorry for not telling you what happened"

"Tommy it's okay but Wilbur won't be after he gets here, I am going to give him a piece of my mind" I say

"You go get him tiger!" Tommy says

"What the fuck" I say

"Clay! Now swearing in front of the baby's! I don't want that to be her first word!" George yells out

"Sorry!" I yell back "By the way Wilbur hurt Tessa!"

George stays quiet.

"I am going to kill that motherfucker!" George yells

"George no swearing" I say. George runs into the room.

"I am going to make sure that motherfucker burns in hell where he belongs and don't tell me not to swear when I just found out that my best friend hurt my fucking child" George says

"Your very mad" Tommy says

"Damn right I am! I am making sure that Wilbur won't see the light of day again!" George yells

"George your not going to kill him are you?" I ask

"It might be a choice" George says while smiling. Tommy looks at me and I look down at the sleeping Tessa.

I stand up and hand Tessa to George and George takes her. George looks at her face and calms down a lot.

"George she will be okay, she just needs time to heal that's all" I say 

"Yeah" George says. George looks at me and smiles.

That's when Wilbur walked through the door.

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