Chapter 150: Reason for other world

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(Dreams pov)

I was laying down on the bed in the doctors room while George was sitting in a chair looking at the doctor then me.

"So whats been going on?"

"Clay has been seeing two worlds" George says

"2 worlds?"

"Yeah so he sometimes sees us like us so the real world but mostly he sees this world that his mind as made up where we are all different and everything else is different as well" George says


"He doesn't really know whats the real world or not" George says

"Well, Clay tell me what do you see now?"

The doctor looks at me. His werewolf teeth show and his tail and ears.

"Werewolf" I say "Your a werewolf"

"So thats his other world?"

"Yes" George says "I am like a elf I think"

I look at the bed which is made from wood, grass and clouds.

"Alright let me have a closer look at him"

The doctor rolls over to me in his chair made out of vines in fact it was the vines that moved him over to me. The doctor picks something up and pokes my leg with it. I jump and look at the thing.

It was sharp. The doctor pulls light out and shines it in my eyes. I jump and try to close my eyes but the doctor holds them opened. The doctor checks both of my eyes then moves away.

"Well I dont see any damage to his brain which is a good thing"

"Yeah" George says "That's a good thing"


"So if its not brain damage then what is it?" George says

"Well it might be something to do with fear"

"Fear?" George says

"Dream has PTSD right?"

"Yes" George says

"Well maybe something went wrong and his brain has thrown him into a different world that it has made to keep Dream safe from being hurt again"

"So his brain made this world to keep him away from reality?" George asks


"How do we fix it?" George asks

"We have to bring him back to reality...Its the only way"

"Yes but how do we do that?" George asks

"You have to remind him of reality, all the things he liked to do, all the friends and you and the girls but you have to say sorry"

"Sorry? For what?" George asks

"If you did something to make his PTSD send something to the brain to put him like this, you have to say sorry and find out why this has happened"

"This is gonna be hard" George says

"It will be hard but this is the only way to get your Dream back"

"Okay I will try" George says

"But first I would like to make sure hes healthy while your here"

"Okay" George says. The doctor pokes me and does many different things to me.

"Open wide"

I open my mouth and the doctor holds my tounge down what seems to be wood and nothing else. I cough a bit and the doctor pulls away and I shut my mouth.

The doctor holds my left arm and looks at it.

"Oh my"

"What is it?" George says

"His left wrist is dislocated maybe even broken"

"How did I not see that" George says

"Dream looks down at your wrist"

I look down at my left wrist which is perfectly fine.

"My wrist is fine, there's nothing wrong with it" I say

"Thats why you dont know, Dream cant see that his wrist isn't right and looks wrong"

The doctor pushes on my wrist. Pain suddenly shots through my body which makes me scream. I suddenly snap back to real life or a second. I look down at my wrist to see it was different, it looks like a bone is sticking out.

"Okay I will give you some paperwork so you can go to the hospital to get him into surgery"

"Okay thank you" George says. The doctor moves back over to his cloud desk and starts typing on his computer thats covered in vines.

I watch as paperwork comes out of the printee and the doctor grabs it. The doctor hands it to Georgr and George nods and lets out a sigh.

"Come on Clay lets go home to the little elfs" George says. I blink a few times and I am back into the other world.

I get up and follow George out of the doctors room.

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