Chapter 180: No more phone at night

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(Dreams pov)

I was looking through the fanart most of the night because I can't fall asleep anymore so it just means I have more time to look at amazing memes and edits and best of all the fanart.

My phone gets taken off me which makes me start to panic. I sit up to see George was holding my phone. I try to calm down which I do some how.

"I am banning you from your phone at night time when we are in bed" George says 

"I thought you were my mom for a second..." I say 

"What do you mean?" George asks

"Well she used to do that to me and then she would yell at me or taking my phone off me or or-"

"Clay" George says. I look up at him

"I am only banning you off your phone when we are in bed trying to go to sleep" George says 

"Well what am I gonna do while your asleep?" I ask

"Try and fall asleep maybe, do some writing, read, do some work" George says "Just stay off your phone"

I say nothing for a while.

"Okay fine" I say. George smiles.

"Good" George says

"George..." I stop. George looks at me.


"Mommy!" Willow yells as she runs out of their room.

Willow jumps onto George and he catches her. I don't feel to well at all, like I feel like shit but my stomach is fine. I cough badly which makes George look at me. 

"Umm Willow can you go wake up your sisters?" George asks

"Okay!" Willow says. Willow runs back into the room and George runs over to me. 

George puts his hand on my forehead then pulls it away.

"Shirt your burning" George says "Why must you get sick while we are away"

"I don't know" I say "I tried to tell you but Willow ran out"

I cough badly and George let's out a sigh.

"Don't worry you can stay in bed for the day while me and the girls go out shopping for food for here so we don't have to get take out anymore" George says 

"Okay" I say

"I'll bring you back some cold tablets" George says 

"Okay thank you" I say. I watch as George helps the girls get dressed and then they leave.

George throws me my phone and I hold it. George leaves locking the door behind him. I look at the window next to me which the curtains are opened which is letting the sunlight through and into the room.

I look out the window to see that the guy is back. I cough which makes the guy look through the window at me. I see a light blush cover his face it then turns into dark blush. I pull the blanket over me and I hide under it.

I cough again then I lightly sneeze. Why can't this guy leave me alone.

"Hey can you like unhide please, I am just making sure your okay that's all"

"Leave me alone! That's all I ask of you is to leave me alone!" I say 

"You sound so badly sick, I wanna help" 

"No! JUST LEAVE" I yell

"Please let me help you"

"NO" I say. I cough badly.

"I can help you, I can help you get better I promise" 

"Please just leave me alone.." I say


I look up from under the blanket to see that the guy has walked away. I get out of the bed and close the curtains. I get back into the bed and let out a sigh. I need to tell George about this guy but lets hope he will leave me alone now.

I pick up my phone and start watching memes and looking at fanart...again. 

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