Chapter 63: Finally

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(Dreams pov)

It has been 2 days and I am all better.

I was sitting in the play room watching over the girls while George was streaming. I look at Tessa who looks at her bear. Tessa looks at me

"Pwpw" Tessa says. I smile and pick her up and walk into George's office.

George looks at me.

"Did she finally say her first word?" George asks

"Yes she did" I say

"What was it?" George asks

"It was papa" I say

"Fuck! I wanted it to be mama or mum" George says

"Fwck" Tessa says. I cover Tessa's mouth.

"No Tessa that word is very bad, it's a bad word we don't say that word ever" I say. Tessa giggles.

"George!" I yell "Don't swear in front of her"

"She's very quick to words" George says

"Only because you said it in front of her and because your her mom as well" I say

"Sorry" George says "But finally she said her first word that like took a lot longer then Coral and Willow's"

"I think she might be a slow learner" I say

"I was a fast learner" George says

"I was slow" I say "She got it from me"

"She also has bad time sleeping" George says

"That's by me as well" I say "I had ADHD when I was young and I have it bad now"

"Yeah I wonder do you take tablets for them?" George asks

"Yes I do, I take them before you get out of bed in the morning" I say "So she might have bad ADHD"

"Maybe" George says

"Do you want to take her while your streaming?" I ask

"Yes please" George says "What are the other girls doing?"

"Well Willow was playing with Coral and they were playing with Coral's Minecraft mobs" I say "Tessa was just playing with her bear"

"When did she get that bear?" George asks

"3 days after she was born she just didn't really take notice of it but now she has and she won't let the thing go" I say

"Ohhh okay that makes sense, I think" George says. I hand Tessa to George and she takes her.

I leave the room and walk bac into the playroom. Coral and Willow are still playing with the Minecraft mobs which is cool. Willow looks at me and crawls over to me and hugs my legs. Coral crawls over to me and hugs my legs as well.

I sit on the ground and cuddle both of the girl's close to me. I kiss Willow on the head then kiss Coral on the head.

"Aw are my little ones playing with the Minecraft mobs?" I ask. I look at Coral who is hugging the Minecraft squid.

"Is he your favorite Coral?" I say. Coral nods into my arm.

"Who is your second favorite?" I ask. Coral crawls over to the Minecraft blue axolotl.

"My favorite is the Enderman, can you find me the Enderman?" I ask. Coral grabs the Enderman and gives it to me.

"Aw thank you, you are so sweet" I say. I kiss Coral on the head.

Willow gives me a Minecraft bee. I take the bee and kiss Willow on the head as well. I lay on the ground and Willow and Coral lay down next to me and hold my arms.

I cuddle with Willow on Coral on the ground. 

He's The Father DNF (PART 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora