Chapter 159: Hes out

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(Georges pov)

I watch as Dream falls asleep from the anesthetic that the doctor has given him.

The doctor takes the mask away and puts a oxygen mask in Dream's nose just in case. The doctor nods at George then leaves the room.

"He's out" I say "You made him panic his PTSD could have put him back in the place we just got him out of, What do you have to say for yourself that you could have almost killed your own son?"

"Eh I've done worse" 

"Watch what you say, everything here is on camera so you could go to jail if your not careful" I say. Dream's mum looks at me.

"What is your name" I say

"Like I would tell you"

"It's Leah" Drista says. Dream's mum or should I say 'Leah' looks down at Drista.

"So Leah" I say "I have a few words for you"

"Oh yeah and what would that be?" Leah asks

"I want you to move far away from me and my family" I say "And if you don't I will go to the police" 

"Like you would you don't have the guts to, come on I am hungry, we will be back later" Leah says. I watch as Dream's mum, step father, older sister, older brother and younger brother leave the room.

I look at Dream's real father who lets out a sigh.

"I need some food as well so I will be back soon"

Dream's father leaves the room which leaves Me, Willow, Coral, Tessa and Drista alone in the room with Dream.

"Maybe you guy's should move" Drista says. I look at Drista.

"But then I am gonna have to get the doctor that looks after me, Clay and the girls to move with us" I say

"But it would be worth it" Drista says "Sure you might be away from me but you will be away from them and away from this place. You don't have to go far you can stay in Florida but it's best if you don't stay in Orlando"

"But I like it here, it's like home" I say "My second home"

"Yes I know but I am not the person to talk to about it" Drista says "Talk to Dream about it when he wakes up and when no one is around"

"Okay" I say

"Now I have to catch up with the others, I am hungry" Drista says "Cya George" 

"Bye Drista" I say. Drista runs out of the room shutting the door behind her.

I look down at Dream who is out cold. I put Tessa on the bed and put my hand on Dream's arm. I pull a chair over to me and I sit down.

"I think that auntiw Drista is right" Coral says. I look at Coral.

"It might bw safwr if ww movw away from it all" Willow says

"But ww showldn't rwn wwwy frwm a fwght" Tessa says "Ww nwwd tw fwght bwwk tw kwwp wwr plwcw, thws ws wwr hwmw"

"Yws I know that but this has gonw on for to long" Willow says "I am worriwd about daddy, I think it would bw good for him"

"Bwt thwn hw ws wwwy frwm hws hwmw" Tessa says 

"Girls please, this is for adults to talk about" I say "But I will tell your father your thoughts but this is for me and your father to talk about not you guys and you guys don't need to worry about it" 

"Okay Mommy" Willow says 

"Okay mum" Coral says 

"Mwmw" Tessa says. I look down at Dream.

Maybe it would be a good idea.

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