Chapter 121: stealing the phone

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(Willows pov)

It was now the first night we are staying here and I need to get that phone and sim card so I can see what's going on.

I was put in my bed which is pretty comfortable but I have to get out and get that phone. I wait until it was later at night. I get out of bed and carefully get on the ground. I crawl over to my door and look up at the door handle.

I look around the room for something that could help me open the door, nothing. I jump up to the door handle and hand from it. I turn it and fall to the ground and make no sound. I crawl out of the room and slowly crawl into Mommy and Daddy's room.

I open the door and crawl inside. I look up to see Mommy was fast asleep and so was Daddy but I have to be quiet because daddy has super hearing. I look around the room but found nothing that was until I looked under the bed.

I see the phone but I still need to find the sim card. The bed moves as daddy starts to sit up. I roll under the bed and hope this is a good hiding spot. I look under the bed to see the sim card as well. I take the sim card and phone and hide it on me.

I look out to the side and daddy looks under the bed and looks at me.

"What are you doing up blob, you should be in bed" Daddy says 

"Ywu showld as wwll" I say. Daddy giggles and he pulls me out from under the bed then walks to my room.

Daddy puts me down on the bed.

"Sleep time" Daddy says

"Okay Daddy" I say

"Good night my blob have the sweetest dreams" Daddy says 

"I lovw you daddy" I say

"I love you too blob" Daddy says. Daddy leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I pull out the phone and take the sim card already in the phone out then put the other sim card in. The phone changes a bit. I open the phone and to mu luck there is no password on it. I look through the phone and it makes me realize, if this is Daddy's hold phone that means this is daddy's old sim card.

 I look at the old messages and it looks like he was maybe 12 when he had this sim card. 

"Unclw Nick" I whisper. Uncle Nick was the last person that was texted on this sim card and it seems that daddy got rid of this sim card when he was 16.

"Why dwd daddy get rwd of thws swm card" I whisper. I look through the camera roll and found a lot of things.

"Daddy had another boyfrwwnd" I whisper. The whole camera roll is full of daddy and some other boy on dates, kissing and cuddling.

That's why daddy got rid of this sim card, his ex boyfriend is all over it and when they broke up, daddy threw out the sin card but he didn't throw it out, he hid it away.

"Somwthwng ws not rwght" I whisper "And I am gowng to fwnd out why.

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