Chapter 60: Georges mom

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(Dreams pov)

George was cooking breakfast in the kitchen because I couldn't because my back hurts like hell and I can't really move at all so yeah.

George told me that he can cook Pancakes as a breakfast meal which is fine, I love Pancakes but I also love waffles. George walks into the lounge room and puts a table down at my feet. George puts the plate of Pancakes.

I sit down on the floor and start eating.

"Is it good?" George asks

"It's amazing!" I say with a mouth full of food.

I continue to eat until I hear the door bell go off. George smiles and leaves the lounge room and walks to the front door and opens it. I hear talking which mean's that George's mom is here. I finish my food and footsteps come my way.

George and his mom both walk into the lounge room. 

"Mum meet my boyfriend Clayton" George says "The father to my girls"

George's mom looks at me and she looks with disgust. It hurts me and I look away.

"George honey can I talk to you alone please?"

"Of course mum!" George says. George and his mom leave the room leaving me alone.

I sigh and get back up on the lounge. George walks into the lounge room and looks at me.

"I am going out to buy some food okay?" George says

"No" I whisper "Don't leave me here with her please!"

"Clay everything will be okay I promise" George says. I look away from George.

George walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead then leaves the house. I hear footsteps walk into the lounge room which makes me look up.

"I wish he picked a better looking guy" 

The words hit me like a knife to the heart.

"Your not even good looking and what type of name is ClAyToN like really change your name oh even better just leave and never come back, leave my son alone he needs someone better then a guy you would find on the street and he needs a guy who can look after him and cook for him unlike you, you don't cook for him"

"I couldn't!" I yell "I can't move! My back hurts! It only started to hurt today through I swear just please leave me alone"

"You should no to never yell at a woman and don't yell at me!" 

"Just leave me alone!" I yell. George's mom slaps me on the cheek which leaves a red mark.

"Learn some respect" 

George's mom leaves the lounge room and I lay down on the lounge. I knew this was a bad idea yet no one seems to care about me oh no not even the one you love! I told George it was a bad idea but he didn't listen, he kept pushing and pushing and I had to say yes.

I hear Willow cry which makes me mad knowing I can't help her or save her from that evil woman. I try to get up but I couldn't. I let out a angry sigh.

I close my eyes and wait for George to get home.

He's The Father DNF (PART 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora