Chapter 168: Bedtime for little ones

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(Dreams pov)

We were sitting on the lounge eating the pizza well everyone else was sitting on the ground and I was sitting on the lounge only because we are worried when I sit on the ground I won't be able to get back up again.

So I have to have a plate while the girls and other could eat straight from the pizza box. I let out a sigh and George puts more pizza on my plate. I look at him and smile.

"Thank you" I say

"You look a little upset, is something wrong?" George asks

"Nothing is wrong sweetie" I say

"Okay but if something is wrong you would tell me wouldn't you?" George says

"Yes of course" I say. George smiles and looks back at the tv.

I look down at George's left hand to see a shining wedding ring on his finger, I smile. I look at my weeding ring and smile knowing I married this wonderful man who puts up with a lot of things. I lean down and hold George's left hand which makes him look up at me.

I love his wedding ring around then I kiss it. George looks at my left hand and he carefully puts his hand on it. George moves my wedding ring around which makes me smile. George moves his hand away and smiles brightly. 

After a few minutes the movie ends and all the pizza is gone. I stand up and so does George.

"Bath time" I say. The girls look at me and smile almost jumping up and down.

I leave the lounge room with the girls following me. I put my plate in the sink and wash my hands, I also help the girls wash their hands as well. I walk upstairs and walk into Willow's room. Willow runs in front of me and takes her Pj's.

I giggle a little then look down to see Coral and Tessa were also holding their Pj's. I walk into the bathroom with the big bath in it. The girls run in and I shut the door behind us. The girls put their clothes down. I walk over to the bath and turn the hot water on with some cold water.

The girls get undressed but Tessa who is having trouble. Willow and Coral both help Tessa get undressed which makes me smile. Once the bath was full I turn off the water. Willow gets into the bath and she melts.

"I lovw this warmth" Willow says 

"You do?" I ask. Coral gets into the bathtubs and melts as well. 

They both sit down in the bathtub. I pick Tessa up and put her in the bath. Tessa sits down in the middle of Coral and Willow.

"Mommy always makws thw bath cold" Willow says

"Hws worriwd that ww might burn if it's too hot" Coral says 

"Wwrm" Tessa says

"Well I'll make sure to tell mommy to not make the water so cold" I say

"Thanks dad" Coral says. I put some bath toys in the bathtub for the girls to play with.

I wash the girls with some baby soap and I also wash their hair. After a few minutes I was finished.

"Okay Willow can you please get out?" I say

"Okay Daddy" Willow says. Willow crawls out of the bathtub. 

I walk over to her towel and dry her off. I help Willow into her Pj's and she smiles. Coral gets out of the bath and I dry her off with her towel then I help her into her Pj's. I pick Tessa up out of the bath and put her on the ground, I dry her off and dress her into her Pj's.

"Okay time to brush your teeth" I say

"Okay dad" Coral says with a smile. I walk over to the sink and move a stool over to it. Willow brushes her teeth first which gives me a good look at her teeth.

Willow has all her baby teeth now which means she is gonna have to look after them. After Willow finishes brushing her teeth Coral brushes hers. I look at Coral's teeth to see she also has all of her teeth. 

Coral finishes and steps down and Tessa brushes hers and she also has all of her teeth. After Tessa finishes I smile.

"Well it's time to use the toilet" I say

"Daddy! I can usw thw rwal toilwt now!" Willow says 

"Mw too!" Coral says "And so can Twssa"

"That's amazing girls I am so happy to hear that" I say "So lets go to the toilet then"

Willow walks over to the toilet and uses it then Coral goes then Tessa. The girls then wash their hands.

"Well that means its now time for bed" I say "So go to your rooms and I will be in in a second"

"Okay Daddy!" Willow says "Makw surw to do mw first!" 

Willow runs to her room.

"Okay dad but don't do Willow first do mw bwcausw shw always gows first" Coral says. Coral walks to her room.

Tessa rubs her eyes and yawns. Tessa walks to her room. I leave the bathroom and walk into Coral's room, she is right Willow does go first every time so I will let Coral be the first one this time.

Coral looks at me and she smiles, I smile back. I pick Coral up and put her into bed.

"Hwy dad" Coral says 

"Yes sweetie?" I say

"I know I am morw mum's girl but...I do lovw you just thw samw and I do wanna spwnd morw timw with you so I am not just mum's girl, I wanna bw both but I am still morw mum's girl" Coral says 

"I know sweetie, I already know" I say. I kiss Coral on the forehead.

"Good" Coral says while yawning. I smile and pull the blanket over Coral.

Coral smiles and falls asleep. I leave the room making sure I turn the light off and half shut the door. I walk over to Willow's room. Willow looks at me and crawls into the cot. I walk over to her and kiss her on the forehead.

"Daddy" Willow says

"Yes blob?" I ask

"Arw ww gonna movw away?" Willow asks. I blink a few times then look away.

I look back at her.

"That's adult talk" I say 

"Okay daddy" Willow says. I kiss Willow on the forehead again and pull the blanket over her.

"You don't need to worry about it" I say. Willow smiles then yawns.

"Goodnight blob" I say

"Goodnight daddy" Willow says. I smile as Willow falls asleep.

I leave the room making sure the light is turned off and he door is half shut. I walk into Tessa's room to see she was already laying down in bed. I smile and turn on her night light. I walk over to the bed and pull the blanket over Tessa who looks at me.

"It's time for bed now sweetie, it's time for sleep sleep" I say. Tessa yawns.

"Goodnight sweetie" I say

"Pwpw..." Tessa says before she falls asleep. I leave the room turning the light off and half shutting the door behind me.

It feel so good to be back.

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