Chapter 183: what did you do with him?

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(Dreams pov)

After a few minutes I started to feel my tablets wearing off which is starting to make me feel more sick then ever.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen area and I start trying to look for the cold tablets but I can't seem to find them what so ever. I hear the door open but I don't look over because I am just trying to look for the tablets.

"Clay honey what are you doing?" George asks

"I am looking for the cold tablets" I say

"Okay how about you go lay down and I will get the tablets ready" George says 

"No no I can do it myself" I say "I wanna do it myself so your not doing everything for me"

"No no I want to help" George says 

"No no I can take care of myself honey" I say 

"But Husbands take care of each other" George says. I let out a sigh.

"Your right but-" 

"No buts! Go lay down and I will get everything ready" George says 

"Fine" I say. I turn around to face George who has a little blood on his cheek. 

I wipe his cheek to see that he had a huge cut along it.

"Okay listen to me" I say "I will let you give me the cold tablets and you can take care of me while I am still sick but I get to take care of you while your hurt"

"Okay deal" George says

"I'll grab the first-aid stuff" I say

"I'll get the tablets ready" George says 

"Oh and honey" I say. George looks into my eyes.

"No sleeping pills" I say 

"Okay" George says. We both walk away from each other, I walk into the bathroom and grab the first-aid kit and I look at George who is getting the tablets.

I see George grab another cup and he fills it with water the same as the other cup before. George puts the sleeping pills in the other cup then he pushes it away. George looks at me.

"Just in case..." George says 

"Yeah" I say. We both walk to the bed and sit down. 

George puts the tablets on the side table and I put the first-aid kit on the bed. I pull out a towel and start carefully cleaning and wiping the blood of George's face. George jumps a bit but he calms down. 

"Do you have any other cuts or anything?" I ask

"No just there" George says 

"Okay" I say. I put some stuff on the cut so it won't get any worse.

I carefully put a bandage over George's cut and he smiles at me.

"Thanks" George says 

"Well it's just like you said, we are husbands and we need to take care of each other because we love each other and we need each other" I say. George smiles and I smile back.

"I have a question through" I say

"Ask away" George says 

"What did you do with him?" I ask. George blinks.

"Well we had a fight and that's how I ended up with this cut then after he left and said he was never gonna come back after I beat his ass" George says. I giggle a little then I take my tablets.

I look at George and he looks at me.

"I'll take the other glass of water please" I say

"Okay" George says with a soft smile.

George grabs the water that had the sleeping pills mixed with it and he hands it to me. I take the glass and take a sip of the water. I look up at George and take another sip. I give the glass to George then I kiss him on the forehead. I lay down under the covers and get comfortable.

I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

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