Chapter 147: Don't know whats real and whats not

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(Dreams pov)

These past few days I can't tell what's real or in my head at the moment.

See if I am in the lounge room it seems that there are vines and trees growing through the lounge room but when I look at the door everything is back and I just don't know what's real anymore.


I look over at the door frame to see George standing there looking at me with a worried face.

"Are you okay?" George says. George walks into the room and in front of me.

I look up at George who is now wearing a mushroom hat and a fuffy cape that has mushroom colours on it, he also has the gogy glasses on.

"I am not sure" I say

"What do you mean?" George asks "Everyday for the past few days you have said you were okay? What's changed"

"George I should tell you" I say "I dont know whats real and whats not"

"What do you mean by that?" George asks

"When I look at the door to the lounge room everything is normal but when I look at the lounge room there are vines, plants and trees growing inside the room and when I look at you know your wearing a mushroom hat with a fuffy cape and the gogy glasses" I say "I dont know whats real"

"That doesn't sound good at all" George says "We might need to see a doctor about that...Does it happen in every room or only this room?"

"Everyroom and everywhere" I say

"Yeah we are gonna have to get a doctor to see you" George says

"That might be smart" I say

"How fuffy does the cape look?" George asks. I lean over and look behind George.

"Like a cloud" I say "I could sleep on it if I wanted"

"Okay well you stay here I'll go get some food for you" George says. George hands me the tv remote.

"See if the tv works right in your world I guess" George says. I take the tv remote and look at it.

The remote has vines covering it. The vines slowly move onto my arm and hand. My eyes widen as I try to pull the vines off my hand and arm. I look up to see George was gone which confuses me.

"George?" I say

"I am right here" George says

"Where?" I say

"I am still standing in the same spot" George says "Can you not see me?"

"No I cant see you" I say

"Oh, well I am gonna leave now and get you some food" George says

"Okay" I say. I hear something leave the room which makes me look over at the door frame to see George leave the room.

I look down at my arm and hand which is now covered in vines. I turn the tv on and it seems everything is the same in what I think is the real world? I dont know anymore.

I change it to the youtube app I have on the TV. I pick a Youtuber to watch and I put the remote down. I pull the vines off and throw them at a wall. So weird.

I look at the Tv and sit back on the lpunge which seems to made out of grass.

"Interesting" I whisper. After a few minutes George walks back into the room and stands in front of me with food.

I look down at the bowl to see some purple noodles. I take the bowl and George hands me a fork which is make out of pure wood. I take the fork and look at George.

"The noodles" I say

"What about the noodles, they are your favorite, 2 minute noodles the Square one where you put in hot water then microwave" George says "No flavor"

"It's purple" I say

"Purple? I didn't put anything purple in it" George says "Wow I guess your own world even goes onto food"

"The fork looks like it was just cut out of wood" I say

"Okay I wanna see this world now" George says "But really eat up I made those for you"

"Okay" I say. I eat the noodles and they taste just like the ones in the real world I think, I am honestly not sure anymore.

"Good?" George says

"It's so good" I say

"Good" George says. I look up to see George was gone again.

I continue to eat my purple noodles.

Hello guess whos sick, I am yay

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