Chapter 118: Unpacking

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(Dreams pov)

"We are here" George says. I look up and I freeze, there it was, the house where bad memories are.

George gets the kids out of the car while I was stuck in the seat, I couldn't move. Once George got the kids inside he came out back to me. George opens the car door and pulls on my shirt.

"No" I say

"Clay come on" George says

"N-no I c-can't" I say. George rubs the side of my arm.

"It's okay, sh sh sh it's only us here" George says "Come on I believe in you"

I close my eyes. then open them back up. I get out of the car and Patches jumps out and sits down next to my leg. George shuts the car door and he helps me walk inside. Patches follows close behind me.

George sits me down on the lounge and Patches jumps up on my lap. George brings all the bags inside then locks the car. George locks the door behind him when he gets in the house. 

"Now we need to unpack" George says. George walks into were the girls will be sleeping and he unpacks all their stuff.

"Come on Clay we have to unpack all of our stuff" George says 

"What room are we staying in?" I ask

"Yours" George says. I freeze.

George puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, It's just us here, they aren't here it's just us and the girls" George says. I nod.

Me and George walk into the room which is my room. George starts unpacking his things. I look at George who looks at me then at my bags. I start to unpack my bags but that was stopped. I fall into a memory.

"Oh my god Clay would you unpack any slower?! Come on we have to get things done you know!" Mom yells 

"I am sorry" I say. I quickly unpack and walk out of my room.

Mom grabs my hair and starts pulling on it 

"Ow ow!" I say in pain

"Your a little shit you know that!" Mom yells "You think we have all day?! when we get here, no we don't" 

"I am sorry mom it won't happen again I promise!" I say

"It better not you little shit!" Mom yells. Mom throws me onto the ground really hard.


I get pulled out of my mind and back to real life. I look around to see George was holding me up

"You alright?!" George says 

"Memory" I say. George rubs my arm and lets out a soft sigh.

"Okay how about you go sit on the lounge then we can go out and get a TV and other things for this place" George says "Is that okay?, I will unpack your stuff" 

I nod softly and walk out of the bedroom and walk over to the lounge. I sit down on the lounge and sink down in it. I hear footsteps walk over to me which makes me look down. Tessa was holding up a mug for me to take.

I take the mug and take a sip, it was nice and warm tea. Willow and Coral were running around the house like the kids they should be and are.

I smile and lean back on the lounge.

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