Chapter 106: Christmas Eve night

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(Dreams pov)

After the Christmas night party thing I don't know if you can call it a party there was no alcohol so maybe it was just a Christmas gathering.

But now it is time for bed because tomorrow is gonna be a big day. I walk into Willow's room which she is playing on the floor with her toys.

"Time for bed" I say. George wasn't here because he is filming at the moment you know doing his job.

"Aww bwt Daddy" Willow says 

"No buts, it's time for bed, you have a big day tomorrow and if you don't go to bed, Santa won't bring you any presents" I say. I told the girls about Santa because most kids will believe in him, I did as a kid.

"Okwy" Willow says. I walk over to Willow and pick her up. 

I put Willow down in her cot and I pull the blankets over her.

"Now you have to sleep okay?" I say

"Whwt hwppwns if I dwn't slwwp" Willow says

"Santa knows if your asleep or awake" I say. I think it's creepy that Santa knows if your asleep or awake.

"Hw dows?" Willow asks

"Yes he does" I say "So you better sleep"

Willow cuddles up to her blanket. I kiss Willow on the forehead.

"Goodnight my blob" I say

"Goodnight Daddy" Willow says. I walk out of the room and turn off the light.

I shut the door and walk to Coral's room. I open the door and look down at Coral who is biting her own skin.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Quackity said that Santa likws blood" Coral says 

"Quackity is telling lies, Santa likes cookies" I say

"That liwr" Coral says. I walk over to Coral and pick her up.

I walk over to the cot and put Coral down in it. Coral stares up at me and I smile.

"You did that to me when you were a newborn" I say "I was kinda scared but now, I am not as scared"

Coral smiles then giggles a little. I pull the blanket over Coral who snuggles close to it. I kiss Coral on the forehead then leave the room making sure the lights are turned off then I shut the door.

I walk into Tessa's room and to my surprise she was already in bed and is now sound asleep. I walk into the room, the nightlight was on and the bedroom light was turned off. I walk over to Tessa who is sound asleep in her bed.

I sit on the bed which makes Tessa move a little bit. 

"Try not to wake her" Mr bear says "It took her so long to fall asleep because of the pain in her arm"

"I won't wake her" I whisper. I look down at Tessa.

"The other girls were wide awake when I went to put them to bed" I whisper "Did you put her to bed for me?"

"Yeah I did but only because she was in pain and I knew she would take a while to fall asleep" Mr bear says 

"Thank you but I would like to put my child to bed" I whisper

 "That's okay but only if you let me put her to bed sometimes as well" Mr bear says 

"You help her sleep everyone dumb dumb" I whisper

"Oh yeah true, never mind you can put her to bed every night" Mr bear says 

"Thanks" I whisper. I kiss Tessa on the head and lay down next to her.

I hum lightly.

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