Chapter 99: Kinda hot

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(Georges pov)

I walk away from the others as I follow behind Mason.

I am not gonna like Mason is kinda hot but there is no way I am going to cheat on Dream with his bully after all anyone can think someone is hot even when they are in a relationship. Mason was standing in a corner by himself which is odd.

I walk closer to Mason who looks at me and raises a eyebrow. I walk up to Mason who smiles.

"What, come to the hot one eh?" Mason says 

"Don't get the wrong idea, I am happily married" I say

"Yeah to a man who doesn't know his place" Mason says 

"Says you" I say "A person such as yourself should have a wife or a husband, you should learn your place" 

"Well maybe you should be my husband instead, I could give you so much more than that motherfucker who doesn't even have a family who loves him" Mason says. Mason pulls me closer and hold me by the hips.

I feel angry for what he just said, I was going to give him a chance to be friends because he looks misunderstood but Mason is how he acts. I kick Mason in the balls and he lets me go and falls to the ground.

"Don't bad mouth my husband right in front of me, you know nothing about him like I do" I say "I thought you were misunderstood but I see I was very wrong about that"

I walk away from Mason and back to Dream who is playing with the girls. I sit down next to him and he looks at me.

"You went to Mason" Dream says 

"I just thought he was misunderstood" I say "I see I was very wrong about that"

"You like him don't you" Dream says 

"I mean he's kinda hot" I say. Dream looks away from me.

"But what you did tonight to him was very hot" I say. Dream stands up and walks away.

"Shit" I say. I go to stand up but Coral pulls on my shirt.

"Yeah?" I say

"I asked Dad to get me a drink" Coral says  "You didn't do anything at least I hope not"

"I am gonna go to daddy okay? You stay here with your sisters and look after them" I say. I follow behind to Dream to see that he was getting drinks like Coral says.

I walk up to Dream and hug him from behind.

"I hope I didn't upset you" I say

"You can never upset me" Dream says "Plus I have said a few times that other guys are hot as well but your cute and I like that about you"

I smile lightly and Dream turns around to face me. Dream smiles and hands me two drinks as he garbs another one. Me and Dream walks back t the girls and give them the drinks they asked for, Willow smiles and says thank you, Coral smile and Tessa says thank you then drinks it really fast.

"By the way" Dream whispers in my ear.

"What?" I whisper back

"I let Tessa have tea and she took my whole mug and just had all the tea while I was asleep" Dream says 

"We have another tea fan huh" I say

"Yep" I say

"Mommy!" Willow yells. Me and Dream both look at her.

"Tessa's gone!" Willow says. I watch as Dream start running around. 

Dream comes back with Tessa who is crying.

"Pwpw my wrm hwrts" Tessa says "I wwnt tw gwt swmw icw fwr wt"

"I know sweetie I know, I will get you some ice but you have to stay with mama okay?" Dream says. Dream gives Tessa to me and I hold her.

"I'll be back just gonna get some pain killers for Tessa" Dream says 

"Okay" I say. Dream leaves me with the girls.

"Daddy will be back soon" I say

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