Chapter 176: Nice breakfast place

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up from a nightmare which makes me sit up in the bed.

I blink a few times then look down next to me to see that George is fast asleep. I look at the clock to see it was 4:21 am. I wipe my forehead which is covered in sweat. I shake my head and get out of the bed.

I walk into the kitchen area and I grab a glass and fill it with cold water. I drink the water then put the glass on the counter and let out a deep breath. I walk into the other room to see that Willow was asleep, Coral was asleep and Tessa was wide awake.

Tessa looks at me and smiles, she then crawls out of bed and walks over to me and holds onto my leg. I smile and giggle a little.

"What are you doing awake sweetie?" I whisper

"I dwn't knww I jwwt wwkw wp wnd I cwwldn't fwll bwwk aslwwp" Tessa says 

"Shh we have to keep it down the others are asleep and we don't want them to wake up so early don't we?" I whisper. Tessa giggles softly.

"Nw ww dwn't" Tessa whispers while smiling.

"How about you and me go drive around to see if we can find something to eat for breakfast" I whisper

"Yeah!" Tessa whispers. I pick Tessa up and walk out to the car making sure I have the hotel key and the car keys. 

I put Tessa in her car seat and make sure that her seatbelt is on. I shut the door and walk over to the drivers seat. I get into the driver seat and shut the door. I put my seatbelt on and start to drive.

I drive down the main area to see that there is many places to get food for breakfast which is awesome. I pull up to a place that looks very nice and seems to have some nice food. I get out of the car and get Tessa out of the car as well.

I lock the car behind me and me and Tessa walk into the place. We sit down at a table as through me and Tessa were gonna eat here first then we are gonna get some food for the others. A lady takes our order then she walks away.

The lady hands me a coloring in thing for Tessa then I hand it to Tessa. I watch as Tessa colors in the drawing.

"Hey I know you"

I look to my side to see it was the guy from yesterday that took our order.

"Hi" I say 

"Hey, it's you from last night" 

"Yeah it's me" I say 

"You don't mind if I umm"

The guy looks down at the chair.

"Uh yeah sure" I say. The guy pulls out the chair and sits down.

"Thanks, it's really full here in the mornings, best breakfast in town"

"Well I will be the judge of that" I say

"So where's your husband?" 

"At home asleep, me and Tessa woke up early so we wanted to get them breakfast and w saw this place and wanted to try it before we give the breakfast to the others" I say 

"That's really nice"

"Yeah" I say. Tessa looks up at me.

"Pwpw pwpw! lwwk wt wt!" Tessa says. I look down at the coloring which is amazing.

"That's amazing sweetie you must have your mothers coloring skills" I say. Tessa giggles.

"Wnd I hwvw ywwr flwwr crwwn mwkwing skills" Tessa says 

"Yes you do sweetie and make sure you use that gift" I say 

"I wwll pwpw dwn't wwrry!" Tessa says. Tessa looks down and starts coloring again.

"Your a great dad"

"Umm thanks?" I say. The guy looks away with some red blush on his face.

The lady brings the food to the table and she puts it down. Tessa starts to eat and so do I. I look out from the corner of my eye to see that the guy is watching me eat. When I finished eating I look at the guy who looks away from me.

I look at Tessa who is finished eating. 

"Well we have to go our order that we booked is ready for the others" I say. I stand up fast and so does Tessa. 

I walk over to the lady who hands me the takeout I ordered. I pay for everything and walk out to the car. I put the food in the passenger seat then I put Tessa in her car seat making sure that her seatbelt is on.

I shut the door and shut the passenger door as well. I go over to the drivers side and get into the door.


The guy grabs the car door and looks at me.

"Let me drive you home you have a broken arm so you shouldn't be driving" 

"No I can do this, I drove here that means I can drive back" I say. I try to grab the door and shut it but the guy wouldn't let it go.

"Please let me help-"

"Just stop! You only want to help because you like me! I have a husband and I am living a happy life" I say. The guy looks at me and blinks.

"Fine you caught me"

"I already knew when you had blush on your face" I say

"But please let me help"

The guy puts his hand on my hand which makes me jump and I punch him in the face. The guy moves back and I shut the car door and put my seatbelt on. I drive away without looking back at him. 

I sigh and pull up at the hotel and park into the right spot. I get out of the car and get Tessa out of the car as well. I unlock the room and Tessa runs in. I take the food out of the car and lock the door.

I walk into the room to see that George was wake and sitting up and Willow and Coral are sitting with him.

"Mwmw mw and pwpw gwt yww gwy's swmw fwwd!" Tessa says

"That's lovely Tess" George says. I shut the door behind me and lock it. I put the food on the table and everyone starts eating.

I look at George and smile, George smiles back at me.   

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