Chapter 29: Future kids room

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(Dreams pov)

I pull into KFC and get out of the car.

I lock the car and walk inside the place. I order some nuggets and chips then sit down and wait for them. I hear many screams and I look up from my table I was sitting at. Many people run up to me.

I stand up.


"I am" I say

"Can we take photo's? And hugs!"

"Okay" I say. They all hug me which makes me a little uncomfortable but I hug back anyways.

They then take photo's then run off. I sit back down but my food was called so I stand back up and walk over to where the food sits. I take the food and walk back to the table and sit down. I eat the food which was really good.

Once finished I stand up and walk out of the food place and back to the car that was until I hear someone call out my name. I look over to see a what seems to be a 8 year old kid walk up me to. I get down on my knees and the stop in front of me.

"Hello Dream, I am a fan of yours"

I look at the kid to see that they were wearing my pin. I smile.

"I can see that" I say "What's your name?"

"My name's Liam and I like wearing dresses!"

"I can see that" I say

"My mama doesn't like me wearing them but dad is fine with it"

"Well Liam you can be what ever you want to be and you can wear what ever you want to wear because that's you and no one can change who you are" I say

"Can I have a hug please? That's all I want from you mister Dream"

"You can just call me Dream" I say

"Okay Dream"

I give the kid a hug. I pull away and he runs off back to his father. I get in the car and shut the door behind me. I smile and laugh to myself a little. I pull out of the parking lot and onto the road to go buy stuff for the kids future room.

I should also get baby toys and clothes after but one thing at a time. I pull into another parking lot and get out of the car. I lock the chair and walk into the shop. I take a trolley and walk over to the bed frames. 

I pick out some bed frames and put them into the trolley. I then pick out some mattresses and take them as well. I get many different things then once I was done I pay for all of it and put it in the car. I drive home then put everything in it's spot then set it all up.

I sigh as I lay on the floor and close my eyes. I open them and get up. I need to get some baby toys, I just got kid toy's so now I need baby toys. I get back into the car and drive away again to go get some baby toys.

The last thing...I hope.

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