Chapter 179: Its been you this whole time

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up from a nightmare which makes me jump forward. 

George holds me and I look at him.

"You okay?" George says 

"Um yeah yeah I am fine I am fine" I say 

"Are you sure? Your sweating and you jumped pretty far forward" George says 

"Yes I am fine I just need...a glass of cold water" I say. I get of the bed and walk into the kitchen part.

I look at George who is still streaming like he promised me he would do which makes me smile widely. I look around for a clean glass but I couldn't seem to find one or see one which is odd because I only did the dishwasher not that long ago.

"Honey did you unpack the dishwasher?" I ask

"Yes I did" George says 

"Where did you put the glasses?" I ask

"Up top" George says 

"Thanks honey" I say. I open the top cabinet and I look for the glasses.

I finally found a glass and I put it on the counter. I freeze up, I had found sleeping pills behind the glass that I just pulled out. I look at George then back at the sleeping pills.

"Can you really not find the glasses?" George asks

"No no I found them" I say in a very low voice. George freezes and looks at me. 

"Is something wrong?" George asks

"George...why" I say 

"Why what?" George asks. I pull the sleeping pills out and look at them.

George freezes again and stays quiet. George says his goodbye to chat then ends the stream.

"Clay, let me explain" George says. I look at George.

"I- I was scared and worried! I didn't know what to do I- I- thought you were never gonna sleep again and and that made me so worried!" George says. George starts to cry.

"I didn't want to lose you to lack of sleep" George says with tears falling down his cheeks.

"It's been you this whole time?" I ask. George nods and starts to cry more.

I walk over to George and sit down next to him.

"I- I- am sorry" George says. I turn to the side and hug George tightly.

"I understand why you did it but please don't do it again" I say 

"I- I- am sorry I- I- don't think I can handle that promise" George says. I say nothing.

"How about this" I say

"What?" George asks while still crying.

"I will take the pills but ONLY when I say you can put them in my drink so I can sleep" I say

"Deal" George says. I kiss George on the lips then pull away. 

"Where are the girls?" I ask

"They are in bed" George says 

"Okay" I say. I kiss George deeply. George pulls away from me and coughs.

"Give me a heads up next time!" George says 

"I shouldn't need to give you a heads up honey" I say 

"But but you should" George says 

"Shh honey shh" I say. I put my finger on George's lips and he looks at it

"You need to just calm down and relax, you don't relax anymore now days" I say

"Because I am a mum now" George says 

"Well I am relaxed and I am a father" I say 

"I guess that's true" George says "I just need to calm down more"

"Yes" I say. George leans in and gives me a kiss then he pulls away.

"I promise to be more calm and relaxed" George says 

"No, Don't promise that, never promise that ever again" I say

"Okay" George says. "Then I promise to listen to you more"

"No don't because if I say something I don't mean then..." I stop. I look at the bed and a single tear rolls down my face.

"Okay" George says. George lifts my head up and wipes the tear off my cheek.

"Now look who's crying" George says with a smile. I giggle lightly and look down on the bed.

George lefts my head up more and kisses me on the cheek.

"Aw my baby" George says 

"Ugh shut up" I say "I am not your baby your my baby"

"No we are both each others baby" George says 

"Yes I agree with that more" I say. George smiles and pulls on my cheeks.

"No don'tttt" I say "Stopppp"

"No" George says. I grab George's hands and put them down on the bed.

I garb George's cheeks and I pull on them.

"Ah! Clay!" George says 

"Haha now it's your turn" I say 

"Nuuuu" George says "Stoppp it hurtsss"

"Ugh come on it always hurts" I say 

"I know but stoppppppppp" George says while laughing. I giggle softly and let go of George's cheeks.

George leans his head on my shoulder and I smile.

"Valentine's day is coming up soon" George says 

"Are we gonna be on the road again then?" I ask

"No we will still be here" George says "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know" I say 

"Well you better think of something then" George says. George yawns and he leans back on the bed and get's under the covers.

I turn out the light then pack away the camera. I lay down under the covers and kiss George on the forehead.

"Good night honey" I say 

"Good night sweetie" George says. I watch as George falls asleep.

I take out my phone and turn the brightness down, I play on my phone for the rest of the night.  

It's Valentine's day tomorrow and I will be spending it with you guys writing :) so if your alone you got me dont worry!

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