Chapter 185: Kittens

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(Dreams pov)

"Girls please be careful when walking down the stairs they are quite big and I don't want you guy's to fall down them and break something" I say 

"Okay dad we will be more careful" Coral says 

"Thank you sweetie" I say. I pick Coral up and kiss her on the head then put her back down on the ground.

Coral grabs onto my leg and I smile.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I ask 

"I wanna spend more time with you so this is one way I guess" Coral says

"Also sweetie congratulations" I say 

"Why are you saying that?" Coral asks

"Because you can say words now" I say 

"I can?" Coral says 

"Yes sweetie you can" I say "I am proud of you"

Coral smiles. I pick Coral back up and hold her. 

"So Coral where are your sisters?" I ask

"With mum" Coral says 

"And where is your mother?" I ask. I honestly had no idea where George is because I was asleep when George left I think.

"He left with Willow and Tessa while you were sound asleep" Coral says 

"So it's just us?" I ask

"It's just us dad" Coral says with a smile. I smile back.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask

"I wanna play with Patches but" Coral stops

"But what?" I ask

"She won't stop meowing at me and the others when we go near her and she hasn't moved from this one spot" Coral says "And I have noticed that Patches has been big lately"

I walk downstairs and up to Patches who is laying on a towel. I put Coral on the ground and I sit down next to Patches, Coral sits next to me. I pat Patches who looks at me.

"You okay sweetie?" I ask. Patches meows and looks away from me. 

I look at Patches stomach and I touch it. Patches meows loudly which makes me push down and that's when I felt movement in Patches stomach. I move my hand away and look at Coral.

"Coral can you get me a towel and some gloves?" I ask

"Why?" Coral asks

"Patches is about to have kittens" I say. Coral runs to grab a towel which she does then she runs back and hands me the towel and some gloves.

I put the gloves on and Coral puts her own gloves on. I move closer to Patches who looks at me.

"Okay Patches just keep pushing we are here now" I say. Coral pats Patches then she starts meowing loudly.

And that's when the first kitten was born. I carefully pick the tiny kitten up and Coral looks at it. I put the kitten in front of Patches and she starts to lick it. Coral moves closer to the kitten. Then came kitten number 2.

I pick the kitten up and Coral looks at it. I clean the kitten and Coral watches me. I hand the kitten to Coral and she carefully holds it. After a few minutes 3 more kittens were born and they were all alive. 

Patches was cleaning the kittens and Coral just wants to hold them to be fair but I was happy that I got to spend this time with Coral.     

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