Chapter 163: Made up mind

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(Dreams pov)

"Okay now I just need to do a few more things but I have to do them in a different room"

"Yay I can get out of bed and walk around" I say

"Nope, your going in a wheelchair" 

"Fuck that I am walking" I say. I get out of the bed which sends pain through my body because my arm still hurts.

"Your arm is gonna hurt for a few days and I didn't want you to walk because you would be in pain"

"You were right, please get the wheelchair and fast please" I say. The doctor pulls the wheelchair in the room and I sit down in it.

"Thank you" I whisper

"You are very welcome" 

The doctor pulls me out of the room and into a different one. I get out of the wheelchair and sit on the bed. The doctor pulls out a needle and I swallow deeply. 

"No" I say

"I thought you would say that so I thought that we would do something else instead" 

"Oh, that's very thoughtful of you" I say. The doctor walks over to me.

The doctor holds a light and looks into my eyes. I blink a few times when he pulls away. 

"Now I am going to use what you liked to call the 'knocky thing' where I hit one side and you should react" 

"I remember calling it that" I say

"Now this shouldn't hurt"

I feel something touch my shoulder. I was confused, the doctor moves away and I look at his hands to see he had a needle that was full of blood. He puts the needle down and puts a cotton ball on my shoulder then he puts tape over it.

I was in shock. 

"You lied to me" I say 

"You would have never let me take your blood"

I start to feel a bit light headed. I don't like blood taking away from me because it makes me feel VERY lightheaded. I fall onto the bed, I had passed out.


I wake up back in the hospital bed.

I look to my left to see George sitting in the chair holding my hand.

"Hey Clay" George says 

"Hey sweetie" I say 

"The doctor says you passed out after he took blood from you" George says 

"It happens to me every time I have blood taken from my body" I say "It's nothing new what so ever"

"I know I shouldn't be asking this but, have you made up your mind?" George asks

"Yes, I have made up my mind" I say 

"Well I think we need to wait until we both get home so I know your answer" George says 

"George" I say. George looks into my eyes.

George seems to get lost in my eyes which makes me smile. I lean over and give George a kiss on the lips. I pull away and George is blushing like crazy. I giggle a little.

"The girls are at Tommy's place" George says

"I don't need to worry about the girls right now, I have something that I have to take care off and I need to make somethings up to right in front of me" I say

"God I love you Clay" George says "You make me crazy"

"That's my job honey" I say. I give George a kiss on the lips again then pull away.

George stares into my eyes again.

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