Chapter 48: Morning- Night

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to the sound of the baby's crying.

I get up and walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see Tommy and George feeding the little ones.


"Night" George says 

"Night?" I say

"Yeah it's night, you slept for hours" George says 

"I didn't even know I did" I say

"I know" George says

"You snore every loudly" Tommy says 

"I do?!" I say

"No Tommy's just saying that to make you think you do, you don't snore loudly through sometimes you do snore but it's very soft" George says

"Shit" I say "I should get some pills to stop my snoring then because it seems like it keeps you awake"

"No no it doesn't it tells me that you are alive and well so don't get rid of the snoring" George says. I pick up Coral and take a milk bottle.

"Alright I'll keep the snoring then but only for you and that's it" I say

"God no get rid of it, I hate snoring and you seem like a person who doesn't snore like at all so don't keep it get rid of it like right now" Tommy says

"I am sorry but are you the one sleeping with him every night in bed?" George asks

"Well no" Tommy says 

"Are you the one who thinks that the one you love is going to die in the night?" George asks

"No" Tommy says 

"Are you the father to the kids and need his help to make sure that they stay alive meaning he is alive nd you have to know he is alive?" George asks

"No" Tommy says 

"I rest my case" George says

"You think I am gonna die in the night?" I ask

"Yeah I have a bad thing about that" George says "But every time I sleep with you I feel safe and it makes me fall asleep so fast that it makes me worried that if I fall asleep so fast I may end up missing something and you could die"

"George sweetie, I am not gonna die in my sleep, I am the one who is crazy when I lock the doors thinking I haven't and that some one is gonna break in and steal everything even take you and the baby's away from me" I say

"Well I guess we both have problems about the night" George says

"Well I guess we do" I say

"And wait did you call me sweetie?!" George says

"How did you only notice that now?!" Tommy says 

"I don't know I guess I just never thought about it at all" George says 

"What can I not call you sweetie?" I say

"I mean it's different" George says "That means I am gonna have to call you something as well so I don't look left out"

"Your not left out what so ever" I say. I finish feeding Coral and it seems the others have finished feeding Willow and Tessa.

We walk upstairs and put the kids in their cots. I turn on the night light then turn off the light. I leave the room shutting the door behind me.

"Meet me in our room" I say

"What" George says.

I walk into me and George's room then shut the door. 

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