Chapter Forty-Six : Dinner At The Sinclairs' Part Two

Comenzar desde el principio

"Theoretically we protect humanity from other species, and visa versa, but, in reality, we hide all evidence of anything that isn't human and enforce our procedures through the Academy" she muttered. "I'm only telling you this because-"

"Yeah. Yeah. I get it. It's never your fault" I stated almost teasingly. I was just in the mood to bother her a little. As much as it kills me to admit it, she's kinda cute when she doesn't notice how childish she is being.

"It's not anyone's fault, it just wasn't my intention" she justified. Excuses, excuses.

"What do you do for fun?" I changed the subject, now ready to take advantage of her unusually friendly attitude.

"I don't" she replied "my time is taken by school, fieldwork, and-or research. And you're going to ask me what I research" she waited for my clarification.


She sighed, "superhumanity. My most recent case was on the living Zodiacs"

"Keep talking, Hazel" I grinned. She gave me an off look that was scary-close to amusement.

"I was doing some work on the N.S.'s database, specifically on the Libra-Snake deity" she paused to gage my confusion "I'm pretty sure that is self explanatory" she rolled her eyes.

"So? What was she like? What could she do? What did you find out?"

"I don't understand why it matters but she's cold blooded, may take the form of a snake, and was the Greek deity Athena in a past incarnation" she frowned "why does it matter to you?"

"Curiosity. I like knowing stuff and frankly other humans can be pretty boring. Last time I checked, I can't shoot magic glowing stuff from any part of my body"

"'Magic glowing stuff'" Hazel repeated with a strangely amused smirk. "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I pursed my lips to keep my urge to smile in check.

"Like what?" She lifted her eyebrow but didn't really seem to be serious about it.

"Like you don't hate me" at this she actually laughed a little; chuckled, more like.

"We're going to be spending a lot of time together, so I don't think either of us could benefit from hating each other" she replied.

"So on a scale of one to ten, ten being that smile is destroying your soul, how much do you hate me right now?"

"Three" she answered after a short delay. "You have a very nice smile" she looked down for a second. "I should warn you, I am not so sure that I will maintain this demeanor around your company" she ended. Part of me was instantly giddy. She was treating me like I was somewhat special. But that also meant I'd have to convince my friends that she isn't always a complete jerk.

"You complemented me" I beamed.

"I did" she looked confused "why is that so surprising?"

"Because you're never nice" I couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm honest. I've been trying to tell you that" she snorted.

"Oh hush, you. You're being nice. Don't ruin it" I teased.

"Can I kiss you?" She suddenly asked. I had to blink a few times to get past the sight of her lips moving to shape those words.

"Huh?" I know, I'm a word wizard. Not.

"I want to kiss you, and you prefer me asking permission before I act" she explained like it was obvious.


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