Melissa and Kimberly discussed possibly making the new coffee shop just be a new location of Floresita Panaderia. They went back and forth on it but ultimately decided to just make it its own thing. They would of course still help and support each other but as of now they would be owning two different businesses.

Since there wasn't really anything similar to it in London, Melissa wanted to make sure people knew it was a Mexican bakery. She wanted people to know it from it's name, from its decor, and of course from it's pastries and drinks.

"Do you guys have any ideas on names?"

Melissa groaned. She had already decided on decor and she already knew what would be on the menu but she was struggling so much on a name. She was hoping Tom and Olivia would be able to come up with something.

"You want it in Spanish right?" Tom asked.

"Yeah I want people to know its Mexican owned just by the name."

"Well how about we use something you say often," Tom suggested. "There's a lot of things you say in Spanish all the time maybe that could give us some ideas."

"I like that. What are some things I say often?"

They went back and forth with a few ideas before Olivia stood up excitedly. "I got it!" she shouted dramatically. "You say mi amor all the time so how about Mexico Mi Amor."

Melissa and Tom both looked at her wide eyed. "Oh my god that's perfect!"

"I love that!"

Now that they had an official name they finally went along with ordering everything they needed to decorate, bake, and run the actual business. The last thing left to do other than setting up was hiring employees. They tried to keep the Hiddleston name out of it as much as possible for now. They didn't want anyone applying just because of who their family was. Melissa really wanted as many Latinos to fill her staff as possible but she knew that since they were in London that it would be a bit harder. She just made sure to put that the bakery was Mexican-owned and hoped it would attract who she wanted. Surprisingly, she received a ton of applicants. She of course wasn't going to hire them just based off their ethnicity but putting Mexican-owned on the job posting did help her get a lot of Latinos but also a large variety of other people she was extremely excited to get to know.

Melissa wanted to be extremely cautious with the interview process to make sure her family still stayed private. The whole process took about a month. She started off by doing phone interviews with multiple candidates. She wanted to get to know people without the risk of them knowing who she was. She knew she was nowhere near as known as her husband and daughter but she knew that a lot of their fans would still recognize her. After she narrowed down the candidates she had to do in person interviews. She had hired one of her friends to be the HR representative so she had her go ahead and meet the people she was thinking of hiring. She also had to make sure that the people who were applying as bakers actually baked well so she had them bring something so that she could pass along for Melissa to taste.

After about a month of interviewing people and tasting baked goods, Melissa had her staff. Becky was her HR representative and manager; Billy and Rosa were her head bakers along with herself; and Manuel, Natalie, Anita, and Harry were her servers and cashiers. She had yet to meet her staff in person but she was so excited for her first staff meeting with them. Since it was a family owned business she would of course be introducing Tom and Olivia but she wanted to go over all the important business related things first.

The only person who she had know in person was Becky since they were already friends so she of course knew who Melissa and her family were. Melissa stayed in her office with Tom and Olivia while the staff arrived. When she finally walked out she noticed a few faces look at her with some sort of recognition to who she was but they didn't say anything.

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