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first person pov

"so. you can't open it without the...passcode, was it?"

"wow. you guys really don't know anything about technology. but yes."

"ugh." he massaged his temples with his left hand and i noticed that his eyes were not only drooping shut but also that there were dark circles under them. there wasn't much i could do to help without access to the phone, so i decided that it would be best to do it in the morning.

"it's late. i doubt he's awake so i won't be able to get the password from him tonight. i think it's best to rest for now and work on this tomorrow."

slowly putting the phone down on to the table, i started to move the maps away from him, wanting to fold them up. if i didn't, he would've been trying all night. hongjoong slammed his hand on top of the pieces of paper once he saw what i was trying to do.

"what are you doing?"

"you look like you're about to collapse from exhaustion. how do you expect to chart a course and concentrate properly if you can't even keep your eyes open?"

all the red haired man did was give me a blank stare. after a while, he removed his hand and used it to rub his eyes.

sighing, he spoke. "yeah... you're right. you can go now then. i'll see you in the morning, aera."

"ok. get some rest..."

...do i call him hongjoong, or is that too bold? but should i call him captain then? is that too weird?

the man seemed to notice my inner conflict and made it easier for me.

"if you're helping us and staying on this ship, then that would automatically make you a part of the crew. so, address me as 'captain'."

"alright then. rest well captain."

the word felt weird on my tongue, but i guess i had to refer to him in some way.

"yeah. you too."

i turned and walked towards the door. before i could step outside, hongjoong spoke. "know this, aera. if i find out that you're lying to me - "

"i'm well aware of the consequences. but you should know that i have nothing to gain by trying to trick you...captain."

after exiting his cabin, i sighed. my own eyes were shutting on their own accord. yawning, i made my way to the cabins, almost stumbling over literal air.

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