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first person pov

"what he saw, surprised him more than anything. when he went downstairs, everything was eerily silent. there wasn't even a hum of electronics. it wasn't that late at night, was it? checking his watch he — "

"um. what are you doing?"

"ah! can i not finish this story in peace??" i looked up from over the top of the book to see who i assumed was kai standing in the doorway. then i realised that i, in fact, wasn't at home. "oh! i'm sorry. i was just bored. you told me to wait in here until you came back, but you've been gone for ages. so, i hope you don't mind, but all i did was take a book from the shelf. there's even a gap so i know exactly where to put it back."

after deciding that i was going to stay in his room, i first started by looking through the window, but since all i could see was fog, i resorted to looking through the book shelf. guess what book i found? that's right, 'makings of a ghost town.'

he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him, as i carefully placed the book back. "thank you for staying here and also for not messing my room up. but that's not really what i'm asking. obviously, i can't expect you to sit here doing nothing for so long, but..."

the baffled expression on his face made it evident to me. "ah. that's something i picked up after a while." my hand went up to the back of my neck, but when it came into contact with where someone apparently hit me, i immediately retracted it. "i can't really focus on a story unless someone narrates it to me. but since i've got no one here, i started narrating it to myself. i know it's childish. sorry. was i too loud?"

"no. no, it's just...i do the same thing." the man mumbled the last sentence, so i couldn't hear exactly what he said.


"nothing. it's nothing. just, i'm not really sure what to do with you now."

i raised an eyebrow at him. "what do you mean?"

"i mean that there's someone in the room you were staying in, but we do have some empty rooms from the old crew members. actually, i could've made you go into one of those instead of putting you in my room. but it was in a rush, so i wasn't really thinking i guess." kai was more musing to himself now than speaking to me.

"hold on. ok, ignoring that, you said that you were going to explain everything. i've already figured out that i'm on a ship, so i know that we're nowhere near my planet. but what i want to know is why. why did you bring me here?"

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