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first person pov

it seemed so ethereal. instantly forgetting my initial purpose for coming up here, i slowly walked towards the railings of the ship. upon reaching the edge of the ship, i let out a long sigh and rested my forearms on the railing. the slight stinging in my right shoulder was constant and i had grown kind of accustomed to it.

we weren't moving; still hovering above pledis. something about the doctor and daniel still wanting to go back but there was the risk of being executed for treason because of their affiliation with pirates etc. etc. etc.

who even does executions these days?

anyway, nothing compared to the sight i was seeing right now. viewing space from KQ was a different thing, but being in space itself was literally an out of world experience. the boundlessness of it made me feel so small but it still looked magical. all the different colours swirled together perfectly and it was admittedly a little hard to resist the temptation to jump over the edge and just float endlessly through the cosmos.

"so when i said that we were one for one, you decided to ignore me completely?"

"yep. i find that it's a very easy thing to do." i never turned my head, still astonished by the view in front of me. the man who had come up to me stood right beside me. he copied my posture, placing his free hand on the railing and looking out at the stars.

"i heard that it was your idea to get me healed on pledis. quite a risky plan."

"yes, but i thought it was riskier to let kai leave the bullet inside you. and there's also no access to professional equipment."

"how's your shoulder?"

slightly taken aback as to how he knew what had happened, i looked over at him. it was really hard to miss the fact that he was wearing nothing but some loose-fitting sweatpants and a button up shirt draped over his shoulders.

i struggled to lock my eyes onto something but they managed to settle on his head, noticing that the grey part of his hair was tied up in a small braid.

"better." i eyed the sling that his right arm was in. "how's yours?"

the man turned to face me. "better."

he smiled slightly, showing off a hint of his dimples. i cleared my throat and looked back into the whirlpool of glimmering stars. as i observed them, i couldn't help but notice that they glistened similarly to the dark brown eyes of the man standing next to me.

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