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first person pov

"kai. what kind of question is that?"

the man cocked his head to the side. "knew i shouldn't have asked." he mumbled to himself.

"no. no, what? come on. seriously, what made you even think that?"


"who? oh. the doctor. wait. did he say something to you?"

"no. he didn't. it's just...it's stupid. you don't want to know."

"then why do you think i asked you?"

"i don't know..." the man's gaze kept shifting between me and the stairs. as if he was expecting someone to enter exactly at that point and somehow overhear what he was about to say.

"it was stupid asking you that question. you've only been here for a few days anyway. i'm dumb for putting you in that situation."

"kai. i might have been on this ship for only a few days, but, somehow, so much has happened since then. there's been like fifty different injuries and you've treated all of them. also, from what you've told me, you've been cooking for a while now and no one's got food poisoning or anything in that time period, so that's great too. why would minhyun's presence on this ship make you feel like you're not good at anything? you're good at both being a healer and being a cook. you actually said that you weren't a cook and yet your food tastes better than some of the new trainees at the restaurant i've been training at. and this doesn't really have anything to do with it, but, out of all the people in this crew, you've been the nicest. so why are you doubting yourself? plus, i'm not sure, but i don't think minhyun's going to stay long on this ship anyway. not that it even matters."

the man gave me a partial, seemingly uncertain smile. "thanks for saying that, aera. but even before, sometimes i would really question my presence on this ship."

"kai. i'm assuming that you're 19, right?"

he nodded.

"ok. well, at 19, to be able to do what you can do? it's such a huge achievement. honestly. like i said before, grown adults that came to the restaurant couldn't cook a dish that tasted half as good as yours. and even though i'm 19 too, i've only got one thing that i'm still trying to get right. you've already got two things going so well for you. i don't see why you're uncertain of your place on this ship."

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