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first person pov

"but that's stupid!"

"aera. keep your voice down."

"but...it's just stupid, isn't it? he hid the treasure somewhere and went to live on another fricking planet?! who the hell does that? from what this crew have told me as well, it's not even his treasure. so why is he not even using it?"

"maybe he travels to the other planet every so often and... gathers a bit of it to use on the... planet where he's hiding." even my father had a perplexed look on his face as he trailed off.

"yeah. that's still such a stupid reason! what kind of person does that? you know, at this point, i actually want to help this crew get the treasure back. because why would he steal someone else's treasure and then not even use it? it's clear he just wants them to run around after him and stress themselves out. what kind of ass - "

"aera. he's still your father."

"no. he's not. i thought that we already established this. you are my father. i don't know that man. he never gave me anything, aside from some random silver sphere thingy. he stole the treasure, yet he gave none to you? he didn't think about the fact that he was ditching his so-called daughter with absolutely nothing?"

my father sighed. we had both sat down on the floor while he told me what exactly had happened all those years ago.

"what i want to know, is why are you protecting him? obviously, you weren't giving this crew any information. but why? it's not even taehoon's treasure."

"he's my friend aera."

"he hasn't contacted you in 19 years. i don't want to speak on it because i don't have any friends myself, but i do think that if someone doesn't make an effort to contact a person for 19 years, that's not really a friendship anymore."

when he stayed silent, i pressed my tongue against the inside of my cheek.

"sorry. i shouldn't have said that."

"no. you're right, aera. we haven't spoken since he dropped you off with that single metal sphere. all he told me was that he was heading off to enlaend and for me to wait because he'll contact me. before that we used to meet up whenever that crew would pass KQ. they'd always come to the restaurant and taehoon would always keep me updated on everything. you know, like all the adventures he's been on. then one day, he got a bit more drunk than usual. mentioned something about treasure and how they would never find it. i had no idea what he meant then. but i do now. and after that, they just stopped coming. i don't know what happened to the other captain, either."

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