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first person pov

"wait here in the galley. i'll go get kai. i don't trust you, and after what you pulled in the captain's cabin, i don't believe that you're not stupid either. but, even so, i'm leaving you alone here. you may be stupid, but i think that you're not that stupid. so you'll listen and wait here if you ever hope to see your father again."

"hm." i didn't want to speak to soobin, so i walked away from him and sat down on one of the chairs placed around a large table spanning across the galley. when i said i was grateful for not wearing my shoes, i take it back. the hard wooden floor was cold and i'm pretty sure there were splinters in my feet. it's not like this uptight man would even let me go in the direction of the cabins anyway. so, i looked at the table in front of me, ignoring the slight discomfort.

at one end of the table was a smaller area with pots and pans which was for cooking all the food. at the other end of the table were stairs leading back up to the main deck.

facing away from the jet black haired man, i stared at the largest pan and scrunched up my nose when i smelt the questionable smell coming from it.

even after waiting for a while in silence, soobin still hadn't left. still not giving him a glance, i spoke.

"i'm not going to move from here. i doubt it'll take you that long to get kai anyway. so you don't have to worry about me suddenly running away. you can leave now."

"you don't get to tell me what to do. i'll leave when i want to."

i shrugged. "ok. do what you want. oh, and please bring me my shoes. they're in the room where i was before."

despite being adamant about not listening to me, the taller man sighed and left at that moment anyway. after his footsteps receded, i stood up and walked over to the pan, mildly intrigued by what was inside it.

as i stood over it, i realised that the contents were even more questionable than the smell.

"what is this? some sort of meat stew?" i muttered to myself. looking above at the shelves around the small kitchen island, i noticed all the ingredients placed neatly and separated accordingly.

at least the kitchen was organised.

i was starving, but i was definitely not going to eat whatever was in that pan.

getting a bunch of ingredients together, i set to work.

~~~~ ⎈𖠳⎈ ~~~~
third person pov

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