Chapter -54

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Extremely sorry for too late update.

One thing Shreya realised in her life was holding the bad things just to put heart in peace is the slow poison which we would give to  ourselves. She was so corrupted by love that  forced her to forget the morals of love. 

She is disgusted that she let him take control of him, too fast. Sure, she loves him. But the guiltiness that she supported the man who though loved her , yet made an unforgivable mistake.

She was too blinded by the love at that time to the extent she forgot that her stepsister was raped cruelly. She didn't regret it but now she does.

Here now she is sitting on the beach, amidst the sound of harsh waves, the sound of children cries, blurred sound of people voices, everything was trying to wake her from thoughts, but she couldn't come out from a bundle of thoughts that she couldn't answer.

She wants him, but she couldn't erase the rejection he did when she was ready to accept the sin he made. She is not a mother Theresa to put others needs before hers. She was in deep love with him, still she is.

As she admired the beach, she came to the conclusion that her life is like waves. Like a wave that Oscillates between sea and shore, she wants to put all the past behind the sea and let it drown below, and at the same time she didn't want her ego to go down.

Honestly, why is her heart shameless? She kept reminding how he forced her, claimed to love her yet rejected her.  But everything went in vain. For three years, she was so proud of herself for living her life independently, but just as his sight came to her vision, it was as if for those three years her heart was just beating but not living really.

"What are you thinking?" Varun asked her while drawing random patterns on the sand.

" Avyan" Shreya murmured and looked at him and continued, " I couldn't forget him, I want him but at the same time I don't want him"

Varun chuckled and said, "Our past is the same and our present too. I couldn't forget her and you couldn't forget him but our parents wanted us to forget"

Shreya tilted her head innocently and said, " Everything is his mistake, but why my heart is being punished?"

Varun scratched his beard and said, " In my case, everything is my mistake and my heart is not alive to be punished "

Shreya smiled and said, " You are lucky that you are not dying daily "

Varun kept his elbow on his leg and said, " You want him, it's you who chose to punish your heart "

" He rejected me" Shreya defended herself.

" Every emotional decision will be wrong. He was too emotional that time, he was scared that he would have lost you. He took all the blame on him. I agree that he forced you, but in the end you fell for him. You wouldn't have fallen in love with him if he was not the one your heart wants. You know how obsessed he was for you, think of all the pain he would have felt when he was ready to leave you" Varun said honestly as if he was reading Avyan heart.

" You are psychology doctor, so you are good in words" Shreya said, as she couldn't ignore convincing facts that Varun kept. She herself knows that Avyan's love is too deep. But didn't she told him that she was ready to accept all the mistake?

" Nope, I'm good in reading mind as well as heart. It's all up to you now, think of your fathers feelings too. Either move on or move in with him. Live a happy life and Ms. Shreya, I reject to marry you " Varun grinned and stood up.

Shreya raised her chin up with a smile and nodded her head. Varun was her street mate. Not so close, but since his wife passed away in cardiac arrest, his father and her father decided to tie thos two who heart was already tangled with the love which is untangable.

Kabir wants his daughter to settle down , live a happy life before he close his eyes peacefully. Shreya for sure Know, she wouldn't be able to accept anyone who is not Avyan. But her egoistic mind didn't want to fulfill her heart desire.

Suddenly she felt a soft hand on her. She jerked off the hand and was shocked to see Avyan looking at he longingly, as if he was meeting her after a long years.

" You?" Shreya said harshly.

" You are training your heart to be rude, Aren't you?" Avyan chuckled and grabbed her hand forcefully.

Shreya clenched her jaw and spat at him, " You never change"

" Who was he?" Avayan asked softly, ignoring the fear that rose in him.

"Varun, the one My father chose for me" Shreya said flatly and his grip on her loosened, but she didn't mind to take her hand.

" But he is not the one whom your heart belongs to" Avyan blinked.

That's were Shreya broke down. He knew how much she loves him, yet he rejected her, hurted her.

Shreya eyes filled with tears as she harshly grabbed Avyan Shirt and said, "My heart doesn't belong to you"

Avyan wiped her tears and caressed her cheeks, her heart skipped a beat but she slapped his hand away. He chuckled and pushed her head towards his chest. She tried wiggling, but gave up as his grip was strong yet secured.

" Say looking into my eyes" Avyan said while patting her head.

Keeping silence for a minute, she said, " I can't but I will try to"

Avyan nibbled his lips and asked , " Why?"

He knows the reason but yet he wants her to open up, pour out all the sufferings she has.

" You left me when I was ready to accept whatever the mistake you made. Is my heart a play thing to you?  You want me when your heart wants and you pushed me when my heart wants. Has my feelings, needs matters to you?"

Avyan heart clenched in pain as Aarav thoughts floods his mind. How helpless Shreya was?

"I was scared.  I was overwhelmed with fear that I would have lost you. My love has did nothing to you, except giving the pain that you never deserved. I thought, leaving you is the best" Avyan silenced for few seconds and palmed her mouth when she opened her mouth to argue.

"No this time I was not selfish. I was not ready to came to your life, because I thought you would have forgotten me. I didn't want to force you, but I saw the same love for me in your eyes. Remove the hatred facade and give me another chance, Please?"

" I don't love you " Shreya muffled voice came out.

"Say that looking into my eyes, I will never come back to your life" Avyan said sincerely.

Shreya heart beat fastened as the fear of him disappearing again from her life flooded her mind. 

" I don't know"  Shreya said honestly but tightened her grip on him and continued, " My love for you has never changed but the fear of losing you again trembling my heart "

Avyan pecked her lips and said promisingly, " I will never give you that fear, Give me once chance to win you again?"

Shreya chuckled humourously and murmured, " There is no need to win me back when you already have me"

Avyan eyes brimmed with tears and his lips captured her, moving softly until their breath was out.

" I love you, Shreya" Avyan confessed looking into her eyes.

"I love you too," Shreya said knowing he hate that 'too'

He groaned and sealed his with hers.


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