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"I heard we are getting someone in the next door" Kabir apprised while walking to the kitchen where his daughter was chugging down the water.

Shreya turned back to him with a shrug and said, "I guess at least we bless with decent neighbor this time" She paused before swallowing the remaining water in the cup and snorted, "Not one who let her daughter pee on our front door just for the sake of revenge"

"Actually she was psycho for real," Kabir argued.

"You are such a girl" Shreya giggled.

"Not at all," Kabir said defensively before detailing, "Owner lady of the house said that psycho lady husband left her and she was mentally affected by it"

"In that case I'm strong" Shreya blurted out. Kabir expression shifted to worriedness and Shreya quickly said, "And that included in gossip too"

"Not at all," Kabir pointed his forefinger to her.

"Whatever that reduces your blood pressure," Shreya commented.

Kabir scowled and said, "Well, there is good improvement in that case"

"What machine has failed to calculate the amount of pressure you have?" Shreya questioned sarcastically.

Kabir ignored her and asked peculiarly, "What happened in the interview?"

Shreya sighed before detailing each and every things that happened in the so called interview and Kabir listened to her keenly and came to an conclusion," Why is he stupid? Wasn't it obvious that you still love him?"

Shreya threw daggers at him, feeling offensive, she replied, "I have objection over your assumption"

"Whatever that reduces your blood pressure!" Kabir snorted before walking away from the kitchen.

Feeling tired, he shouted, "Good night, Bacha"

"You haven't ate" Shreya yelled back. 

"I had milk, You eat without skipping" Kabir said before climbing upstairs. 

Shreya wiped her dampness with her left hand and walked to the cupboard where she had kept new required things . She looked  for wheat flour  and sighed that  there is no additional packet left. She looked at time and it was past seven. Decided to get a new packet from nearby shop, She straighten her saree before walking out of the kitchen to hall and took sum amount of money from her purse which was on the couch. The bell rang just as she was setting her messy hair. Striding to the door, she released the cam lock of the door and gasped to see Avyan at doorstep; His sweatshirt and jean was indeed good combination. She always likes him in casual because he looks more intimidating in suit and she never like it. 

"What do you want?" Shreya questioned angrily.

Avyan shook his head in disapproval at her tone before saying, "This is not how we greet our new neighbor"

Shreya hand which were resting unmoving slipped out in imbalance just as she heard his sentence. Her eyes blinked in disbelief before she gasped out, "Don't say you shifted here"

"My previous statement wasn't indirect" Avyan snorted and added, "I didn't shift for you if that was you what you were thinking. I came here because, I heard more about this street uniqueness"

"Uniqueness?" Shreya scoffed and educated him," Whoever had spoken about this street as good would have escaped from Asylum and whoever had trusted that wouldn't be no different from him"

"Stop talking about Asylum" Avyan asserted, he let his head hung low and accepted, "I want to be near you"

Shreya clenched her jaw before stepping forward and taunted him, "Don't put words in my mouth"

Giving no amusing thoughts about him, She locked the door and with last glare, She walked out of the front gate. Avyan groaned before following behind her silently. 

"People are looking, Stop following me"  Shreya hissed walking fast. 

He tried keep up his pace with her and replied back, "Let them see, I'm following my wife not some random beautiful girl"

Shreya jaw clenched. What was he trying to tell? That she is ugly?

"And Plus, they will think we had a fight and tomorrow the aunties topic will be Shreya let her poor husband follow her and didn't even feel pity that his husband was having hard time in walking with these shoes" Avyan added with a grin. 

Shreya huffed and countered back, "The wife you left. You think you can get back to me with these dialogue. But I pity you, Your humor sense went six feet under!"

Avyan frowned before saying, "I think I should be less sarcastic, people take my serious statements as joke"

"Avyan please! You can't just come out of nowhere and pretend like everything was going good" Shreya spat out. 

"I'm not pretending, I'm trying to set everything normal" Avyan argued back. 

Shreya stopped her move and mocked at him, "Woah, You will make things complicated and you want to get back everything easily. We could have made things easy if you hadn't run away with that coward ass"

Avyan growled lowly before keeping his point, " I accept, I was coward Stop rubbing it on my face"

Shreya shook her head and snapped, " Your acceptance wouldn't change the things I have gone through. You were not there to convince me when I jolted awake in midnight. You were not there to convince me that you are still there. When everything  became normal for you, You wanted everything back as it was. How selfish!"

Avyan breath labored before he whispered, " I wasn't in right mindset"

"You never was" Shreya breathed out and asked him, "What do you think you would achieve by coming back after three years?"

"I came here to correct my mistake" Avyan murmured looking into her eyes. 

"Bull shit" Shreya freaked out and continued, "You weren't able to heal it when it was fresh wound, begging to release from the bleeding, pain, but when it became permanent scars, you can correct? Can you wipe off the ugly scars that you gave to my heart?"

Avyan heart raced, he let the first drop of his tears claim the guiltiness. Swallowing hard, he said, "I can"

"How confident! If you can please do me that favor" Shreya said and added, "But I wouldn't make it easy for you"

"I will fight till the end" Avyan said firmly as if he was too confident about it. 

"And I will dodge till the end!" 

"Even if I lose, that would be the most devastating yet beautiful  battle ever in my life" 

Her heart skipped a beat, not even a second she decided to fight back, she could hear her heart begging to leave her ego and give up already. 

" And you are the beautiful mistake ever I made" Shreya said, tears threatening to spill out.

Avyan heart stung at her words. He didn't want her to cry, not when he is trying to make things better between them.

"Now I'm going but I will come back. See you neighbor!" Avyan waved at her.

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