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Hard phase of One's life is moving on

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Hard phase of One's life is moving on. The desire to struck on that phase which we love to live in, flee itself even from our dream is hard to accept. It was little dream of Shreya to live with Aarav as he matched all of her expectations. But the oscillating emotions are hard for her to accept. One week, she felt like she was living her dreamy life and another week, the trace of that dream couldn't be found even in her imagination.  Reason, Avyan. 

She herself had seen how Avyan ruthless can be. He can be the synonym of One's nightmare if they dared to test his immorality. She couldn't comprehend when did she start falling for Aarav but she knew it was time to open her eyes and see the reality. The reality is Avyan and maybe if he become imagination, possibilities are there for her. As a middle class girl, She decided it would be best if she wrapped all the fairy tale imagination and forever being princess to her father is enough.

Like before, focusing on her father and her life had never been a harm and she wish to do the same. Maybe it was all god plan to see more perfect prince for her and she gave up to his plan, hoping he wouldn't put a wrong note at the end. The vast dark sky, roaring with thunder signifying the beautiful rain is up to come though it was sprinkling. 

"God, Rain!" Avantika chastised and checked the time with a curse as Aarav didn't come to pick up. 

Shreya decided not to be cranky with Aarav. Like  a normal best friend, she decided to be with him. Sighed, when Aarav bike halted right in front of her. She passed him a smile when their eyes met but her smile faltered when there were no shine in them as always. Instead it was full of coldness, which she never wish to dive in. 

"Hop on!" Aarav said to Avantika who frowned in return.

"Shreya?" Avantika questioned. Aarav jaw clenched before he shook his head and said, 

"I will pick her up after dropping you" 

"You will be alright?" Avantika questioned with concern. 

"Yeah!" Shreya said with a smile forcing herself not to look at the man who didn't even  acknowledge her. 

"Alright then" Avantika shrugged and put her leg on each side of the bike before keeping her palm on his shoulder. Shreya twitched her lips in disappointment when she saw the disappearing couple in a misty path.

All the disappointment were replaced with happiness as she remember whom she was going to meet after two weeks. Her father. After ten minutes, Aarav bike halted right in front of her. He honked, indicating his impatience.  Shreya sighed before hoping on the bike and she kept her palm on his shoulder which he shrugged off harshly. Shreya felt a tug in her heart but she again put her palm on his shoulder stubbornly. He scoffed before starting the bike while she smiled a little. 

"How are you, Aarav?" Shreya initiated the conversation softly hoping it would calm him as always. 

"Stop the bike!" Shreya huffed in annoyance when she didn't get any reply from him.

"No" Aarav velvety voice reached her and a smile adorned her face.

"Then, Talk to me!" Shreya put forth a condition. 

Aarav rolled his eyes and said, 

"Your father said that he was going to get snacks for you, So he won't be there"

"Snacks?" Shreya squealed instantly. Of course, Who won't love to have a chai and samosa in rainy day?

Aarav lips twitched before he masked it abruptly with a cough not wanting his fake anger to disappear in her cuteness. 

"We are here!" Aarav notified here after removing the helmet from his head. 

Shreya heart felt content as she felt home and looked at Aarav expectedly hoping he wouldn't let down her offer. 

"Come inside" Shreya said after getting down from the bike. Her nostrils flared when Aarav drove off without answering her question. Her jaw clenched in anger as remembered their day out which they gone two weeks ago. She couldn't decide whether Avyan is in her life or not because he didn't call or visit her but she stopped hoping.

Her eyes burning in unshed tears as she stood there without averting her eyes from the path which Aarav left.

"You are too stubborn!" Aarav huffed suddenly startling her.

Her gaze hardened making him to gulp. Without giving him attention, she turned back to her house and hunched a little to get a key from top.

" Sorry" Her toes curled when Aarav whispered against the shell of her ear. 

Elbowing him, she looked at him warningly before twisting the knob  and walked in. She was about to close the door harshly but he didn't waste time in coming inside and closed the door behind him. Her breath hitched when he was close, too close much to her traitor heart.

Their breath clashed against eachother when Aarav minty breath hit her nose. Her hand fisted tightly against her kurti as her eyes closed in fear.

It all became fuzzy, and Aarav quickly retreated himself before clearing his throat. Shreya opened her eyes in disappointment before masked it quickly with a glare.

" I'm sorry. You do realise, Avyan had threatened me. But I know, You were not to be mistaken but yet I neither I could avoid you nor I can't shrug off my love" Aarav said frustratedly and then realised what he just said. Shreya heart skipped a beat at his confession.

Shreya gulped as his gaze intensified by each second.

" Fuck it!" Aarav cursed before cupping her cheeks and slammed his lips against her. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss while she found herself giving up to him after recovering from the shock.

Pulling away he spoke,

" I don't regret because kiss with you has always been my dream. Though, I know we can't be together, yet atleast the satisfaction that I'm your first kiss calm me a little"

Shreya pushed him hard with anger as she realise this kiss wasn't at all with love, it was just the claim .

" Get out!" She snapped at him.

" Sh- Aarav was cut off  by Shreya,

" Get out!"

Aarav head hung down in shame as he couldn't believe he just used her for his Satisfaction. He knew well, they can't be together yet the audacity of him to kiss her for self satisfaction. She thought, he least tried to fight for his love but no. He have been coward and still a coward. The little satisfaction wrapped her when he kissed her even after the warning from Avyan, the hope atleast he didn't give up but his words said everything crushing her heart again. She tried to move on, but never gave up quickly as he did.

" I'm sorry" He muttered before unlocking the door and left her alone to get depressed again.

" I'm sorry" He muttered before unlocking the door and left her alone to get depressed again

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Sorry for No Avyan today 😂

Umm..don't worry, but tomorrow Avyan will surprise you as well as Shreya 😀

Vote, that really motivates me🥺or atleast comment!

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