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"Today I was waiting for that match but look How I'm unfortunate I'm" Kabir exasperated

"Dad, Current will come in ten minutes. Don't be dramatic!" Shreya whispered yelled, tired of hearing  the same sentence for half an hour. 

"Dramatic?" Kabir tested out the word with scoff and said, " You are being dramatic and I'm also tired of hearing your sentence for past half an hour". 

Shreya blinked in disbelief and said, " When did you start reading people mind?"

Kabir smirked before saying, " I'm not and It wouldn't be miracle to find out when people spoke loud of their thoughts"

Shreya face reddened and just as they hear loud husky laughter at door step. Shreya whipped her head to the source and stormed with fume when her eyes capture her new neighbor standing there leaning against the door with amused expression dancing on the sinfully sculptured face. 

"You?" Shreya snapped. 

"Me!" Avyan shrugged and casually walked inside before feigning innocence.

Shreya fisted her hand and spat out, " Don't you have manners to walk inside when you are unwanted here!"

Avyan pursued his lips, and commented, " I apologise, I just came her to lend salt more"

Shreya teeth grinded against eachother before she spoke, "Out, Don't push your limits, because that we will be your worst downfall!"

Avyan shook his head and said softly, " I'm already in brutal downfall"

Shreya heart clenched just as her eyes caught the hurt drowning in onyx eyes, which slowly swallowing the beauty and leave the ugly bruises in it. His eyes are so beautiful, that would make everything in this world meaningless and make it more unique. He was her unique, and he proved it wrong three years ago that he was just like the rest of the people.

" Look, Avyan" Shreya pointed out and her eyes avoided the crazy grin on his face and continued, " I agreed to be your employee and I accepted you as my employer. That ends there, and don't try start it here and take advantage!"

" We have to start where it ends," Avyan chuckled and continued,"That is the beauty of sequel"

" Avyan, why are you here?"  Kabir asked him sternly.

Shreya slouched her shoulders tiredly before striding to the kitchen and took a new packet of salt from the cupboard and closed it with thud. Walking back to the hall, she grabbed Avyan right hand and placed the salt on his large expanse of palm and jutted him the way to exit.

Who can ignore the coruscating feeling over the boring one. But, Shreya ignored. Her heart sparkled with joy just as the frictional creates, as if giving life to already burnt ashes.  She ignored because she didn't want history to repeat. Every time his touches holds the power to make her fall for him like a deck of cards. But not this time. She had constructed a big world for them, and he nastily destroyed the little castle she made it with her precious feelings, love.

" Thanks" Avyan chirped and turned to Kabir before saying, " I don't mind you watching cricket there because that was what playing there"

Kabir tried to ignore the bubbling happiness and shook his head before waving his hand in dismissal.

"Alright," Avyan shrugged with a smirk, as if knowing Kabir plans.

Shreya heaved a sigh and said softly, " Good night, Dad"

Kabir smiled and advised, " Don't think much, Have a Good sleep"

Shreya forced a smile and gulped down the echo of misery that begging to unchain it through her beautifully broken eyes. She nodded her head and walked upstairs.

After changing into t- shirt and track pant, she layed down on the bed. Her eyes stilled on the rotating fan, and she gulped just as she observe it. Even though she tries to distract herself from going back to her shell, but at the end the harsh reality push her to where she belongs.

Curtains swept aside, allowing the gentle wind to caress the broken soul that was laying on the bed in vulnerable state. She shivered when cold wind embraced her. It froze her but she decided to accommodate with it rather than pushing it. Atleast it wants to embrace her.

She smiled softly when she heard the closing sound of the front door. She knew her father wouldn't be able to reject the offer he was craving for.


How it feels when someone gloats with what you don't have? Jealous. That was what Avyan could feel right now. At this time, Rishabh was the person whom he wish to crush under his shoes.

" Shreya has grown into the most beautiful girl and guess what she spoke to me the way just as she used to do," Rishabh grinned, cupping his chin with his palm.

" Rishabh, don't push my patience. I'm jealous and that's enough!" Avyan gritted out.

" I'm not going to get anything from your jealous" Rishabh frowned but added with mischievous, " I'm just making you realise the value of precious!"

" I realised and I will get it back!" Avyan said clenching jaws and looked at the adjacent cabin where his precious wife was sitting there with a frown.

" She is not like Money which you earn with snap of your fingers whenever you lose" Rishabh educated him.

Avyan eyes narrowed before he spoke, " I know her value and don't talk about her with your nasty mouth!"

Rishabh wiggled his eyebrows and with a shrug, he said, "Whatever, I'm taking my leave!"

" Please" Avyan said with desperation and heaved a sigh.

Rishabh chuckled and waved at Shreya who smiled at him. Avyan eyes caught the beautiful smile and he gritted his teeth.

" Rishabh, Out!" Avyan yelled.

" I will after saying bye to Shreya!" Rishabh surrendered.

Avyan chest heaved up and down in anger before he called for security.

" Jeez, cut the call!" Rishabh scowled and snatched the phone from Avyan.

" Then leave without disturbing Shreya" Avyan warned calmly.

Rishabh pleased with the work he came for and he strode out of the office before Avyan would do it with violence.

Avyan chugged down the water and looked at Shreya who was already looking at him. He raised his eyebrows at her who frowned at him.

Shreya with a frown stood up and walked to his cabin without bothering about the intense look she was getting from him.

" May I come in, sir?" Shreya knocked the door politely.

" You don't need to ask"  Avyan said softly.

Shreya bit back the scoff and asked him, " I received response from Italian client and he sent me the reports"

Avyan listened to her keenly and he asked, " Alright. Tell me about the meeting"

Shreya nodded at him and continued, " It is planned to held this week"

" Means we have to leave for Italy tomorrow," Avyan said thoughtfully.

" Yes," Shreya nodded absentmindedly before stuttering, " We?"


Sorry, was busy with my exams.

The girl he forced|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ