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One month later,

It's been month since they were married and no improvement visited their relationship. Desperation to vanish the hatred look in her eyes and his feelings getting worsen. Patience, left in him driving him to the peak frustation. He would forcely made her sleep with him at night. Everything goes with her wish, except at night.

Shreya never wanted this relationship and for a first time in her life, she preferred herself and stood stubborn in her point. Her father, who was her well wisher now trying to force her into the life where she was struggling to get freedom from it.

In this month, Avyan did nothing except waking up, kissing his wife forehead and go back to his robotic office life. In the evening, before he could come, she would be fast asleep. Sometimes, imagination looks easier than reality. He knew, she would be angry and he thought it would be easy to convince her. But, he was taken aback by her sudden boldness and it was hard for him not to snap at her. He never dealt with his emotion before.

It was the war between ego and desperation. No one deserves to live a forced life. Shreya was too determine to teach him lesson. He had manhandled her, forced her, beat the person who she love and turned the person against her who  was her world.

Avyan sighed frustratedly and rakes his hand through his silky hair. Suddenly, the door bursted open, revealing Rishi. Avyan sighed with happiness as his best friend went to Australia on behalf of him.

" Hey buddy, how's is your life?" Rishi started slowly, knowing nothing was better judging by the look on Avyan life.

Avyan rubbed his eye and motioned his friend to take a seat. Rishi sat opposite to Avyan and removed his tie.

" She isn't easy to handle" Avyan said drowning in the thoughts.

" Like you couldn't handle your obsession?" Rishi snorted.

Avyan discarded his friend sarcastic remark and continued, " I thought, like before, she would do whatever I say if I threatened her a little. But, now she is different. Even, when I raise my voice, she would just push me off. I'm done dealing with disobedience"

Rishi passed him disapproving look and said, " And, she is done with your controlling nature. She is not your puppet to do whatever you say. Go with her flow, be gentle with her but never stop trying to get into her heart!"

Avyan sighed and nodded his head.


" Okay, I can do this!" Avantika said gulping down the alcohol while Shreya grimaced.

They both had arrived to her one of the friends birthday party. Shreya for a change decided to attend. Avantika eyes took her into different world because whatever she saw looks doubled.

" I... go.... restroom" Avantika giggled while Shreya passed her a weird look before nodding her heart.

Avantika stumbled a little before making a steady path to the restroom. She clutched her head and without looking up, she walked straight. She groaned when someone spinned her around by her wrist.

" I'm already spinning, why are you spinning me more, huh!" Avantika giggled and spinned herself again before saying, " Do you like me spinning, handsome?"

The person who spinned her was none other than Advik Rathore. Amused smile danced on his sinful lips as he could recognise who she was.

" What are you doing here?" Advik voice came out huskily and she blinked at him before grabbing fistful of shirt and pulled him closer. Advik stilled for a moment before enjoying the sudden warmth .

" Restroom needs me!" She whispered.

Advik sighed and looked around for someone to help her.

" Come with me!" He said and dragged her somewhere which she couldn't stop due to her alcohol.


Shreya sighed and looked at her wrist watch as it's nearly 10 minutes since Avantika has left.

" Hey, Shreya! Avantika agreed to stay with us tonight! Want join?" She heard the distant voice of her Classmate.

Shreya wasn't surprised that Avantika agreed because she had attended many parties since they were in school.

" No, I'm just going!" Shreya said quickly. She has no idea why she came here. For the past hour, She was sitting simply straight.

It was past nine and Avyan couldn't help but growl frustratedly. He knew she gone to the party which was informed by his personal guard. He badly wanted to drag her back to home yet he didn't want her to think that he is stalking which is what he is actually doing though.

" She will come, calm down!" Shuruthi said worriedly

( A.N Shuruthi is Rajesh second wife)

" Shut up" Avyan said angrily and paced around.

Rajesh glared at his son and was about to defend Shuruthi that's when the door of the hall room opened revealing Shreya.

Decided to teach her a lesson, Avyan walked to her angrily and asked her lowly, " Where were you?"

Shreya gulped as she could see the old Avyan surfacing back. His tie hanging low  and the first two buttons of his white crisp was opened. He looks sinfully hot at the same time scary. Shrugging off the fear, she moved aside and was about to take a step forward but Avyan gritted his teeth and Stopped her from moving.

" I'm done with this attitude!" Saying that, he dragged her upstairs ignoring his parents words.

Shreya could feel the bold side of hers curled into the side and the fear blooms within herself.

" You are hurting me!" She said. Except the dangling sound of her bangles, the room was dead silent.

" Where were you?" He said lowly.

Not having enough strength to fight his attitude, she wiped her tears and said, " Went to friends birthday party"

He left her hand and rubbed the bruised part soothingly and said, " The next time, You better inform me. Alright?"

"No, I would do whatever I want!"
Shreya said backing away from him.

Avyan snickered and said, " And I can do whatever I want,right?"

Shreya knew the capability of him and she knew, she wouldn't be able to  deal with the guiltiness of someone getting hurt just because of her again.

" I..will inform" Shreya said defeatedly. Pleased by her answer, Avyan kissed her cheeks and left without saying anything.


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