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Putting the clothes in laundry basket, she flipped the hair off from her shoulder and stood up

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Putting the clothes in laundry basket, she flipped the hair off from her shoulder and stood up. Her eyes wandered to the clock which is hanging on the wall and a sigh left pass her lips as it was past quarter twelve. For an hour, she was preparing for her upcoming semester and One thing which is admirable about her is, whatever the situation is, if she decided to study, she would without any thoughts invading her concentration. 

She was glad, that her father understood her mindset and didn't compel her about the decision though he was scared to lose her. Scared? Because, The fact Rathore had police to his side. Avyan, though said not to fear yet as a father, He couldn't trust Avyan either. But, the promising tone of Avyan that marrying him will save her from Rathore was the hope strangely.  

"Dad, Aarav father called me to his house" Shreya informed to Kabir who was making lunch for them. 

"Alright, What silly fight  you both had this time?" Kabir said with a chuckle while fetching water for himself. 

"As usual" Shreya forced a lie with a smile. 

"Alright!" Kabir agreed and Shreya remembered Aarav father words that he was not behaving himself and didn't even touch the book for the examinations. Though, she wanted to ignore yet knowing his family situation and the disappointing tone of his father words, she decided to confront him. 

It was advantage having Aarav house is just five house away from hers that she didn't need to travel long. Breathing, she knocked on the door twice and the door of his house opened by Aarav himself who stood with ghastly expression on his face seeing the visitor of his house. She bit her lips when he rubbed his eyes twice to get the reality but the reality is what he assumed. 

"Where is your father?" Shreya questioned with stern tone. 

"He-He went office" Aarav frowned. 

"Hato"(move) Shreya said before pushing him and entered the house. 

"Why are you here?" Aarav questioned curiously because as long as he remember even if they had a silly fights, he would be the one who apologize first.

Shreya cleared her throat and said, 

"I heard complaints from your father!"

Aarav's brightened face switched into disappointed hearing her words. 

"I thought You forgave me" 

"No, I didn't" Shreya said with a pause before looking at him and continued, " I'm angry on you because you made me to regret for kissing you back"

Aarav squatted down to her level before holding her hands and said,

"For fifteen years, I found happiness in you. Out of nowhere, Someone who have power to destroy my tiny empire threatened me. What do you expecting me to do? This is not movie, and I'm not hero either. I accept, I'm coward. I would have fought, if it hadn't put my sister and father life at stake. for my selfish feelings, I can't destroy my sister aim to becoming a doctor and my father aim to live the remaining span of life with my money".

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