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" Where is.." Aarav croaked, feeling difficulty to voice out his thoughts.

His eyes narrowed when Avantika passed him a suspicious look.

" Water" Aarav said, holding his dry throat.

Avantika shook her head before pushing herself out of the comfortable couch and walked closer to him. Stopping near him, she Clenched her jaws and said,

" What were you upto?"

Aarav frowned and his brows narrowed into slits as he couldn't comprehend the puzzle behind her words.

Avantika licked her lips before forming a vivid sentence, " Why did you call her there when you know Avyan would chop your.. " She stopped looking at his manhood while his cheeks flushed at the embarrassment.

Avantika heart Clenched, seeing the wounds on him and the heavy bandage that wrapped around the wrist of his both the hands. Aarav, though had different plans, yet his friendship for Avantika would never be fake. The obsession, which he couldn't shrug it off was the major cause for all this. He could have made his heart agree to reality, but the revenge for Avyan oozing still as fresh. That obsession drove him to another extreme level to which he happily oblige. Some people eyes wouldn't fathome between good and bad , when it comes to what they want. Love, the drug which blinds everything around you except that drug. Addiction to people are really dangerous and that's where two different lives finding pleasure. Avyan and Aarav are obsessed with Shreya. One already succeed and Shreya lost, another failed but have different plans. In both the cases, Shreya would be the victim.

He launched himself little forward and touched Avantika palm which was resting idle on the bed edge. Her soul sparked at the friction and ignited the supressed old wounds.

" Take care, Bye! I have exam" Avantika rushed out, snatching his hand sway from her , which she would wish to hold it forever.

Evening , 6.00 apm

" KICK HIM" Advik shouted aggressively and gulped down the alcohol, feeling freshed at the burning sensation.

" I..Ahh... Trust me, that happened secretly!"  Guard told painfully.

Advik let out a aggressive growl before  pouring the alcohol on the deep wounds of the guard who screamed more.

Feeling exhausted, Advik snatched the car key from the driver and literally ripped the door apart. Driving more than the speed limit, he felt himself getting drizzy due to the over intake of Alcohol and the last thing, he saw was furious Avyan.


" Fucking stop talking about him" Avyan growled warningly at Shreya who flinched in response.

Taking a breath, he said, " As per your nagging, i admitted him to hospital. What else you want?"

Getting scared by his sudden snapping, Shreya lowered her eyes to her lap and fiddled her fingers. Avyan threw all of his work just to spend time with his lovely wife. He knew, she would be tired from her exams, that's why he decided to  bring her to coffee shop. He thought, to roam around the streets which he never preferred but for Shreya, he decided that her preference would be his. He knew, she love golgappe, panipuri and other snacks item. But, just like that all the plans came to an halt when Advik car crashed against his.

"Never mind, I want to go home!" Shreya said awkwardly.

Avyan shook his head and said, " I have plan for us!"

" I don't like you and , I want to go home!" Shreya said stubbornly.

Avyan smirked and said, " As much i love this side of yours, You don't want others to look at your husband's huge boner right?"

Squirming at his words, she sipped her coffee, hoping whatever plan he has would end soon.


" I hope you enjoyed your day!" Avyan said pleasingly.

Shreya rolled her eyes and sighed tiredly.

" Tired already?" Avyan said looking at the dark coloured sight. He couldn't believe that night has already arrived, he really felt his soul alive today.

Feeling irritated, he abruptly turned her towards him with rage. Shreya tried to get away from his strong hold, but failed miserably.

" Answer when I question. Just because I'm being calm doesn't mean, you can test my patience. Understood?" He gritted out.

Shreya stood unfazed by his warning and said, " You already have crossed your limits, and stop controlling me"

Avyan locked his jaw tightly and decided to let it go this time, since she was trapped in this life forcefully.

" Well done Shreya!" Advik cheered, clapping his hand.

Avyan shot him a look and said, " Out of my way!"

Advik Chuckled mockingly and said, " No one would prefer your way, you always have been a lonely kid and no one will stay with you" Stopping, he looked at Shreya who was looking at Avyan nervously.

Avyan smirked and said, " I see Little useless has got some attitude"

Advik smiled faded as rage seeped through him.

" Let's go!" Shreya said tugging Avyan arm, breaking the heated situation. Advik eyes followed her movements and jealousy was all he could feel. Avyan lips lifted up a little and he kissed Shreya forehead .

Feeling irritated, Advik threw money at Avyan face and said, " Money you paid for hospital!" Saying that, he walked away from the couple.

Avyan mood worsened and he couldn't accept that meeting with Advik was not coincidence and he knew, he has to keep an eye.


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